Black & Veatch Blog to Showcase Lessons from Singapore to an Int’l Audience

Black & Veatch has reopened its blog called SIWWDIARY ahead of the third annual Singapore International Water Week (SIWW). Singapore International Water Week runs from June 28-July 2.

Last year, the popular site attracted conference participants and those unable to fly to and attend SIWW. The blog will continue to gather impressions from SIWW 2010, as well as activities around the event, and will serve to encourage public discussion about water.

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Black & Veatch has opened up the site to more contributions from participants at the events. Postings will be made from water industry partners, Black & Veatch professionals and Singaporean students. Dozens of journalism students from the School of Film & Media Studies at Ngee Ann Polytechnic will take part in an assignment to report on events during SIWW through posts published on the blog. Black & Veatch is collaborating closely with the school and PUB, Singapore’s national water agency, on this innovative, new social media project.

Black & Veatch has been involved in the development of Singapore water supply systems since 1922. In recent years, the company has played a major role in delivering some of the country’s most internationally renowned water projects, including the SingSpring Desalination Plant, the Sembcorp NEWater Plant and the Marina Barrage. Singapore also is the home of Black & Veatch’s Centre of Excellence in Desalination and Global Design Centre for water. Black & Veatch is also an original founding sponsor of SIWW.

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The blog will remain live throughout SIWW, with active updates throughout July. For more information, visit

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