Avanti International Announces Pathway to Certified Grout Technician
Beginning in April, the first Grouting Certified Technician course offering will be conducted at Avanti International’s headquarters in Webster, Texas.
For the first time, municipal stakeholders and engineers can now specify municipal grouting projects for sealing mainline pipe and service laterals performed by a Certified Grout Technician.The course will certify competence in knowledge of solution grouts, and application of best practices to seal the collection system from infiltration of groundwater, exfiltration of sewerage, and stabilization of the sewer trench from further erosion of supporting soils.
The two-day course titled – Advanced Insitu Grout Chemistry & Best Practices, also known as Level 300 – provides Grout Technicians with both classroom and hands-on lab experiences to better equip decision-making in response to variable conditions such as soil types, temperature extremes, and presence of groundwater.
Day One focuses on the process of injecting a two-component acrylamide grout through pipe joints and defects into supporting soils creates an impermeable seal which stabilizes the sewer trench. With controllable gel-strengths, set-times, and additives that change outcomes, specialized knowledge and skills are necessary. As with any proven remediation technology, execution is everything. Day Two focuses on best practices and will be instructed quarterly by a different guest expert—seasoned with experience.
Engineering specifications calling for Certified Grout Technicians on every grout truck is going to be the new standard. Specialty contractors providing municipal grouting services will proactively choose to enroll their best Technicians to become certified. There are necessary prerequisites before attending Advanced Insitu Grout Chemistry & Best Practices.
Level 100 – Fundamentals of Municipal Grouting – A structured 16-module video series – available at municipalgrouting.com – with intermittent quizzes over the history, the purpose, the technologies and techniques of injection grouting for municipal applications – mainline, manhole, laterals, and connections.
Level 200 – Municipal Sewer Grout School – two-day school focusing on the mechanics of grouting. Avanti requires certification on Safe Operating Practices Program. In the last three years, 290 participants have received Certificates of Achievement as well as certification on Avanti required Safe Operating Practices Program (SOPP). Visit avantigrout.com/news-events/events for course listings.
Level 300 – Advanced Insitu Grout Chemistry & Best Practices
If execution is everything, education is the way forward, and certification is the validation owners and engineers require, enabling product and service warranty statements in their project specification.
To find out more about the Level 300 course, contact Avanti International at 800-877-2570 or customerservice@avantigrout.com.
SOURCE – Avanti International