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AEM Board Identifies Actions Needed to Support Members, Industry During Pandemic

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) Board of Directors has identified five areas for taking action and providing assistance for its members in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the equipment manufacturing industry.

AEM 125th LogoThe association’s senior leadership team received input from the  Board during an open forum discussion conducted during its March 25 conference call. Based on that guidance, AEM is now continuing, enhancing and adding activities and communications to support its members and the industry as a whole.

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“AEM will provide advocacy work, daily briefings, webinars, one-on-one assistance and continuing communications in the coming days and weeks until the COVID-19 crisis is over,” said Dennis Slater, AEM president. “In addition, the Association will continue to offer its many other services and programs to serve members during this time of great need. That is what we are here for.”

RELATED: AEM Spearheads Efforts to Help Member Companies Through COVID-19 Pandemic

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The five distinct areas identified during the Board’s open forum discussion are:

1. Advocacy/Government Relations

  • Advocacy on behalf of our members and the industry at the state, provincial and federal levels in the U.S. and Canada to ensure that elected and government officials take the necessary legislative and administrative actions to keep member companies open for business, on the job and in the fields, including securing essential business designations.

  • Representing and protecting the industry’s priorities while communicating the latest developments in the various COVID-19 programs and relief package, including interpreting, guiding and informing members.

  • Communicating all developments to members and the industry.

2. Operations/Manufacturing Issues

  • Communication of best practices and protocols from other members, manufacturers and industry organizations in dealing with COVID-19 issues for health, safety, business operations, supply chain and workforce management issues. Also, serve as a conduit for members sharing this information.

3. Market Information/Forecasting

  • Provide enhanced market intelligence information, including forecasting tools, to help members better understand the market conditions during this uncertain time.

 4. Long-Term Planning

  • Strategies and long-range planning for businesses to successfully prepare for and operate in a world that may include reoccurring or future pandemics. How our offices and manufacturing will function in that new environment. Ongoing spacing of employees, vulnerable employees, or employees with vulnerable family members; air quality; disinfection protocols, etc.

  5. Member Contributions to Hospitals/Health Care Workers

  • Assist members interested in donating or producing products to support the health workers, hospitals and the response effort during this pandemic.

For more information, visit the AEM’s COVID-19 information and resources page here. The AEM COVID-19 Response Team is also available at

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