2020 Pipeline Leadership Conference

2020 Pipeline Leadership Conference Pivots to Virtual Platform

To address safety concerns and travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the organizers for the 2020 Pipeline Leadership Conference have moved the event to a virtual platform. The sixth annual conference will be live through an online platform on Nov. 10, 12, 17 and 19.

In this online learning experience, attendees will hear from senior executives who are driving transformation and innovation in pipeline and distribution system design, construction and operations. Attendees will have the opportunity to network with the panelists, other attendees and the conference sponsors.

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The theme for the 2020 Pipeline Leadership Conference is “A 2020 Vision for Pipelines: What the Future Holds.” The event will focus on the pipeline and gas distribution economic outlook for 2021-2027; implications to pipeline and gas distribution system operators, as well as the engineering and construction firms that serve them from the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election; bring into focus the role of pipelines in a low-carbon future; as well as impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the industry.

Vie the agenda here: (All sessions are in Eastern Time.)

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  • 11 to 11:30 a.m: Pipeline Leadership Award Presentation

  • 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m: U.S. Political Landscape – Panel Discussion

A breakdown of the U.S. political landscape after the 2020 presidential election and the potential impacts on the oil and gas pipeline sector.


  • 11 a.m. to 1 p.m: Economic Outlook – Panel Discussion

How current economic factors are impacting capital spending in the oil and gas pipeline industry, forecasting activity for the next four to eight years.

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  • 11 a.m. to noon: Workforce Development – Panel Discussion

Strategies that the pipeline industry has implemented to attract, train and retain employees in today’s employment market, highlighting efforts by CEWD, DCA and SkillsUSA.

  • Noon to 1 p.m: Human Trafficking Awareness in the Energy Industry

As a nationwide leader in the pipeline construction industry, Precision Pipeline LLC saw how the energy industry intersects with human trafficking through midstream transportation, construction projects, and material and fuel transportation from coast to coast. The company integrated a five-step to train people within the organization to recognize and report this crime.

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  • 11 a.m. to 1 p.m: The Role of Pipelines in a Low-Carbon Future – Panel Discussion

Achieving a low-carbon future will require all forms of energy. Oil and gas pipelines will play an important role in achieving environmental goals. Panelists will discuss how pipelines can overcome the fossil fuel debate.

Full-day sessions will cost $150 to attend or you can attend all four full-day sessions for $395. Visit the conference website at plconference.com for further information and updates. Registration and full agenda details are coming soon.

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Contact Brad Kramer at bkramer@benjaminmedia.com or 330-315-2104 for questions regarding the agenda. Contact Ryan Sneltzer at rsneltzer@benjaminmedia.com or 330-315-2114 for sponsorship information.

The Pipeline Leadership Conference is organized by Benjamin Media Inc. (publisher of Trenchless Technology) and North American Oil & Gas Pipelines magazine and in cooperation with Continuum Capital.

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