Trenchless Road Show Headed to British Columbia in November

dreamstime_xl_33426393After 14 years in Ontario, the Centre for Advancement of Trenchless Technologies (CATT) and Benjamin Media Inc., have partnered with North American Society for Trenchless Technology’s British Columbia Chapter (NASTT-BC) to bring the Trenchless Technology Road Show to Canada’s west coast.

The 2015 event marks a return to British Columbia for Benjamin Media, which hosted a Rehab Road Show in 2006, and the first time CATT and NASTT-BC have collaborated for a Road Show. Taking place Nov. 17-19 in Richmond (Vancouver), British Columbia, the 2015 Trenchless Technology Road Show provides a platform to educate municipal, engineering and contractor personnel on the benefits of trenchless methods.

The Trenchless Technology Road Show consists of two full days of technical presentations and exhibits bringing you the latest advancements in trenchless technology. For those wanting to pack more trenchless education into the trip, Nov. 17 features a trio of workshops – “Trenchless Technology 101,” “Assessment and Renovation of Culverts” and “Innovations in Water Network Asset Management” —led by the industry’s leading experts.

The main event will feature two seminar tracks, with 46 sessions to choose from, covering methods and materials for planning, design, installation, assessment and management of water and wastewater systems. There will be a keynote address on Nov. 19 by Ken Foster, president of Insituform Canada with live demos and vendor exhibits taking place on Nov. 18 and 19.


DSC_0042Save $100 if you register by Sept. 18. Registration for each of the pre-event workshops is $300 for CATT and NASTT members and $400 for non-members. Registration for the Road Show is $450 per day or $550 for both days for member and $550 per day or $650 for both days for non-members. An exhibit hall only pass is available for $50.Visit to register.

The venue for the event is the Executive Airport Plaza, Hotel & Conference Centre, in Richmond/Vancouver, British Columbia. Reserve a room before Oct. 19 and receive a discount at the hotel by mentioning Trenchless Roadshow BC or by using the promo code TRSBC2015 online.


Ken-Foster-HeadshotKen Foster graduated from the University of Liverpool with a First Class Honours degree in Civil Engineering. He worked for two municipalities in England for five years, and then in the early 1970’s immigrated to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. There, Foster worked as a consulting engineer initially heading the GCG Partnership and then GCG Dillon Consulting Ltd. In 1986, while working on an Infrastructure Rehabilitation project for the City of Edmonton, he subcontracted WRc to be their specialist consultant for the underground infrastructure evaluations and this was the first work that WRc was ever involved with in Canada.

In 1988, Foster joined Insituform Canada and since then has led the Insituform operations throughout Canada. During this time, he was involved in projects from Vancouver Island to Labrador and helped grow Insituform’s operations to four Canadian cities, installing more than 120 km of CIPP liners annually.

Between 2011 and 2013, Foster was also responsible for Insituform’s operations in the Western United States. In addition to his responsibilities in Canada, he is also managing director of Insituform’s operations in Europe.
Foster is a founding member of the North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT) , and he holds professional engineering licenses in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Ontario. His knowledgeable reputation among the industry will bring a propelling perspective to all who attend the conference.

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