CATT Award of Excellence Project of the Year

CATT Award of Excellence Recipients Announced

Centre for Advancement of Trenchless Technologies (CATT) recently held its annual general meeting, attended by over 80 members and guests. The agenda of meeting included the report on 2015/16 CATT’s activities, introduction of 2016/2017 board of directors, as well as the announcement of the recipients for the 2015 Awards of Excellence.


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The recipients of the 2015 Project of the Year Award of Excellence are Hatch, CRS-Dibco JV, and the Region of Peel for the Twinning of Etobicoke Creek Trunk Sanitary Sewer. The Region of Peel needed to complete the twinning of the Etobicoke Creek trunk sewer in order to allow for redundancy. In fact, this project was the last link in the twinning of Region of Peel’s two main trunk systems. The project involved construction of a sanitary sewer approximately 576m long, with 1800mm diameter underneath Runway 23 and Taxiways J & H at Lester B. Pearson Airport.

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Naturally, Greater Toronto Airport Authority (GTAA), which manages the airport, could not permit major disturbance to its operations and its runways. To build this critical new sewer and to maintain the airport’s operations, Region of Peel and consultant Hatch Matt MacDonald turned to microtunnelling for the solution. A joint venture of CRS Tunnelling and Dibco Underground Ltd. with a bid of $16.7 million was awarded the project. The project involved coordination with GTAA, Region of Peel, Navigation Canada, Toronto Conservative Authority, and others for timely approval of permits and operations. With the new Akkerman’s SL86P MTMB shaft, and the AZ100 guidance system, a continuous 24/7 operation was established to complete the tunneling works without noticeable ground movement along the runaway and critical infrastructure.

Ian Doherty CATT Award

Kim Lewis, chairman and CEO LiquiForce and Ashley Rammeloo, CATT board of directors chair, present Ian Doherty, P.Eng., (center) with the 2015 Award of Excellence.

The tunnelling was completed on Dec. 3, 2015, well within the schedule timeline. The project exemplified the value of trenchless technology by overcoming many operational and engineering challenges that are not feasible with traditional approaches.

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CATT’s  2015 Award of Excellence for Individual Contribution was awarded to Ian Doherty, P. Eng., president and owner of Trenchless Design Engineering Ltd. for decades of contribution and leadership in the trenchless industry. Doherty has 38 years of experience in pipeline design, manufacturing, installation and inspection with special focus in trenchless rehabilitation of water and water pipeline. His involvement in trenchless industry started in 1988, and subsequent experience led him to establish Trenchless Engineering Ltd in 1995.

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As a principal, Doherty has led engineering work in the field of pipeline and trenchless rehabilitation for clients ranging from municipalities, contractors, plant owners, and product manufacturers. Doherty has published a number of papers and articles related to trenchless pipeline rehabilitation, and is the co-author of the NASTT CIPP Best Practice manual, and has been an instructor for NASTT CIPP Best Practice course since 2005. He has been a mentor to many professional firms in trenchless industry, providing valuable experience in various aspects of business in avoiding pitfalls. With his leadership and advocacy for trenchless technology for decades, he has made significant contribution to the industry.

The CATT board of directors for 2016/2017 are:

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  • Chair, Ashley Rammeloo (City of London)

  • Vice Chair, Jason Johnson (Dillon Consulting Limited)

  • Past Chair, Jonathan Pearce (City of Waterloo)

  • Secretary, Doug Onishi (Dillon Consulting Limited)

  • Technical Committee , Alex Sandovski (IPEX Inc)

  • Seminar Committee, Sonya Semanuik (Ontario Clean Water Agency)

  • Membership and Marketing Committee, Kim Lewis  (Liqui-Force Services (Ontario) Inc.)

  • Public Relations Committee, Roger Crawford

  • Education Committee, John Green

  • Conferences Committee, Jonathan Pearce (City of Waterloo)

  • Member-at-Large, Walter Trisi (CRS Tunnelling Canada)

  • Member-at-Large, Mike Henderson (El-Con Construction Inc.)

  • Executive Director,  Mark Knight

  • Treasurer, Diane Johnston

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