AEM Launches CONEXPO Latin America – Show set for 2015 in Chile
AEM announces the launch of CONEXPO Latin America – The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), owner of CONEXPO, has signed a letter of intent with the Chilean Chamber of Construction to co-locate CONEXPO Latin America with the Chamber’s Edifica exposition to be held October 2015 in Santiago, Chile.
Latin America is a key world region for off-road equipment manufacturers doing business globally. CONEXPO Latin America extends AEM’s CONEXPO brand of manufacturer-run, top-quality expositions to the area. The association initiated the show in response to member feedback for improved marketing opportunities for global equipment manufacturers within Latin America. The show will feature the latest construction and construction materials equipment, technologies and services for the Latin America marketplace.
CONEXPO Latin America will be directed “by the industry and for the good of the industry,” following the model of the flagship CONEXPO-CON/AGG international exposition set in North America, and all AEM-run shows.
The association is a longtime proponent of global cooperation to bring together manufacturers, customers and industry organizations in top-quality events with real value. A managing committee of exhibitors and other industry stakeholders will guide strategic direction of the show to deliver maximum return on investment that meets the industry needs of all participants.
AEM has worked with the Chilean Chamber of Construction for more than a decade to foster mutual cooperation on issues including safety, standards development, market information and trade promotion.
“We value our longstanding relationship with the Chamber, and this co-location complements our mutual efforts to support business growth in the Latin American construction and construction equipment sectors,” stated Megan Tanel, AEM vice president exhibitions and events.
“The Chamber is pleased to work with AEM; our efforts benefit all our members to help their companies prosper. Our Edifica-Expohormigon trade fair is a successful meeting place for the construction sector of infrastructure, housing, equipment and machinery, and the Chamber welcomes the co-location of CONEXPO Latin America,” stated Carlos Erdmann, President, Organizer Committee of the Chilean Chamber of Construction.
The plan is to rotate location of CONEXPO Latin America between the northern and southern areas of South America, to offer opportunity to buyers from all regions. The show launches as an annual event, with future timing and rotation with other events to be determined. AEM is working with allied associations and has valuable support from MMI, organizers of bauma. AEM and MMI partner on bC India and AEM supports MMI shows in other key regions.
More details on exhibiting and attending CONEXPO Latin America will be available online at