What’s New at WJTA – Training, Membership Outreach and Conference Update

Hydroblasting Training and Certification

On June 22-23, WJTA successfully piloted an update to the association’s hydroblast operator training and certification program, which expands the instructor-led portion of the program to cover automated surface, tube and pipe cleaning.

Classroom instruction and hands-on skills verification help trainees understand safety aspects of automated waterjet setup, operation and job completion, while also gaining an understanding of the types of systems available.

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The program expansion comes based on feedback from asset owners and contractors, who supported the movement to standardize entry-level training and certification, but felt that the program should reflect the increasing use of automation technology in industrial cleaning applications.

WJTA Board of Directors Election Opens

On July 29, voting opened for WJTA’s Board of Directors. The 2021 election features strong, highly regarded candidates representing the largest field to stand for election in the association’s history. The strength of the field of candidates reflects growing interest in WJTA’s initiatives to support safety, technology and workforce development within the industry.

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WJTA members in good standing can vote online by logging into the association website through Sept. 14.

Membership Outreach

A new WJTA membership effort kicked off recently reflecting the association’s mission – Advancing Safety and Technology in Industry. The past several years have seen increased interest from all sectors of industry, due in part to the association’s more active role in developing leading edge best practices and additional initiatives to support the industry.

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Recent efforts include expanded educational content, with enhanced educational sessions at the WJTA Conference & Expo, a free live webinar series, and expanded content in the Jet News periodical. WJTA’s best practices for waterjet and industrial vacuum have also been revised more frequently to reflect industry safe practices and provide a foundation for the association’s training and certification program. Additionally, the formation of a new hydrodemolition committee helped expand WJTA’s reach and serve members involved in concrete applications.

The membership campaign focuses on the importance of staying informed of industry advances and forming connections with fellow members. Additionally, an increasing array of member benefits and discounts makes the decision to join WJTA a sound financial investment.

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Conference & Expo Update

The WJTA’s mission focuses on Advancing Safety and Technology in Industry, and the upcoming 2021 Conference & Expo offers attendees an opportunity to be a part of the movement towards safer, more efficient water-jetting and industrial vacuuming through automation, best practices, training and workforce


Automation, advanced PPE and improved manual cleaning tools make the job less hazardous, and WJTA attendees can evaluate the latest systems hands-on in the exhibit hall. Expert representatives from vendors and contractors can answer questions and provide insight on specific applications. A growing application of waterjet technology is concrete demolition, and the 2021 Conference & Expo includes several leading OEMs and sessions dedicated to hydrodemolition in addition to applications such as cleaning, cutting and surface preparation.

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The 2021 conference educational program builds on the well-received updates in 2019. The event begins on Oct. 26, with the pre-conference Waterjet Technology Basics & Beyond Short Course, a popular program offered every two years. The short course is chaired by Colorado School of Mines professor Hugh Miller, Ph.D., and features a distinguished faculty of presenters from industry and academia covering fundamentals of waterjet technology, equipment and applications, along with focused treatment of advanced topics.

Education continues Oct. 27 and 28, with a program of Boot Camp sessions offering practical insights for all attendees with topics including pump maintenance and troubleshooting; data from computerized exchanger cleaning equipment; vacuum truck safety; safety considerations with automated equipment; use of jetting charts; diesel engine emissions; and much more.

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The conference also includes an update to the popular Asset Owner Session Track introduced in 2019. Asset owners – representatives from facilities where waterjetting and vacuuming services are performed – are truly the end users of high pressure technology. Given the importance of industrial cleaning on plant downtime and production, as well as potential hazards from cleaning operations, it is critical for asset owners to stay active and informed.

Additional educational opportunities include presentations of research and whitepapers and a new panel discussion on factors in the successful use of third-party labor providers.

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Outdoor live demonstrations are another unique aspect of the WJTA Conference & Expo. Attendees can see some of the newest high pressure pumps, controls, automation and manual tooling and more in operation and at pressure while observing safety devices and best practices.

More information is available at wjtaexpo.com.

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