WEF Collection Systems Conference Held in Pittsburgh

Engineers, facility operators, state and federal regulators, equipment representatives and others involved in water collection and wet weather management systems descended on Pittsburgh May 18-21 for the 2008 Collection Systems conference and exhibition.

Conference organizers reached out to the host city and invited speakers to illuminate the history of the City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County Sanitary Authority (ALCOSAN) in order to contextualize sessions focusing on the challenges and opportunities facing regional sanitary sewer districts.

Other presentation topics included flow monitoring, sewer system analysis, sanitary and combines sewer overflow controls, computer modeling of wet weather conditions and green systems solutions.

The exhibit hall housed 50 exhibitors May 19 and 20 so attendees could stretch their legs a bit and gather information on the latest and greatest innovations in wet weather management.

The 2009 conference will be April 19-22, in Louisville, Ky. Abstracts for presentation/session proposal are due July 14, 2008. Further information is available at www.wef.org.   

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