
Trenchless Technology Game Changers: Protective Liner Systems

Cured-In-Place Fiberglass Reinforced Epoxy Liner (CIPM)

Since 1984 Protective Liner Systems, Inc. has been providing high quality, performance proven, corrosion resistant lining systems for sewerage system manholes, wet wells, pump stations and secondary containment structures.  

PLS’s original product was a prefabricated fiberglass bag liner that was resin impregnated in the field and heat cured. This bag liner system had a number of disadvantages including, the lead time to prefabricate the bags, potential errors in measuring the host structure and fabricating the bag, large equipment necessary for installation, not being able to access outfall areas with the large equipment, and only being able to install the bag in circular structures. Out of these difficulties our current flagship product, PerpetuWall, was developed. PerpetuWall is a cured-in-place, fiberglass reinforced epoxy lining system that requires no pre-measuring of the structure or prefabrication of the bag.  It can be installed in any size and shape of structure and can be installed in the most difficult of locations with minimal equipment.  In addition to providing the basic strength and corrosion resistance of an epoxy, it also provides additional structural strength by means of the embedded fiberglass.

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Thirty five years after the introduction of PerpetuWall, Protective Liner Systems, Inc., now provides a full range of rehabilitation products to meet your specific needs. Included in these products are various cements, different epoxies and also the fiberglass reinforced epoxies. All of PLS’s products are manufactured to strict quality controls and with the best materials available in today’s market. Regardless of the level of rehabilitation necessary in your sewerage system, Protective Liner Systems, Inc. can provide you with the appropriate solution.

To supplement Protective Liner Systems, Inc. manhole rehabilitation products, PLS became the North American Distributor for Stehr road rehabilitation products. The primary product in this line is the Stehr SKF 950  Manhole Cutter used to cut concrete and asphalt pavement around manhole covers to adjust them to grade during paving and re-paving operations.

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For more information contact us at:
Phone: 770-482-5201 • Fax: 770-484-1821  •

Protective Liner Systems, Inc. Products
PerpetuCrete BR -(PLS-506) – Fast Setting Bench Rebuild Mortar
PerpetuCrete MSC –  (PLS-507) – Micro Silica Cementitious Manhole Liner
PerpetuCrete CA – (PLS-508) Calcium Aluminate Cement
PerpetuCoat M – (PLS-614) Ultra High Build Epoxy Coating 
PerpetuSet – (PLS-616) – Fast Setting Epoxy Resin
PerpetuWall – (PLS-650) – Fiberglass Reinforced CIP Composite Liner
PerpetuWall CS – (PLS-655) – Fiberglass Reinforced Chimney Seal
PerpetuSealFlex – (PLS-101) – Novolac & Urethane Hybrid Chimney Seal
Distributor for Stehr SKF 950 Manhole Manhole Cutter

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