Trenchless Technology Game Changers: Kilduff Underground Engineering
Kilduff Underground Engineering, Inc. (KUE), is an underground design and Construction Management (CM) firm, specializing in tunnels and trenchless crossings ranging in size from 12-inches up to 60-feet in diameter. Our team of dedicated engineers and geologists are experienced in delivering the support our clients expect in order to ensure the successful completion of a project. What separates our firm from other geotechnical design firms is our experience with both design and construction. This ability to be equally familiar with both aspects of underground projects provides a unique and efficient solution to the contractors, A/E firms and owners we support.
KUE senior staff are experts with the design and construction elements of conventional tunneling methodologies and trenchless technologies including Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), Pipe Ramming, Auger Boring, Pipe Jacking, Microtunneling, Horizontal Hammer Boring/DTH, and Rehabilitation. Additionally, the firm provides standard geotechnical design services, deep excavation support designs (SOE), dewatering design, claims support, construction management services, as well as designs, installs and monitors geotechnical instrumentation. With over 150 years of combined experience among it’s senior staff, KUE is able to offer a complete service to its clients that is unmatched in the industry.
In our ninth year in operation, the firm was founded in Denver, Colorado in 2014 and is supported by a second office opened in 2020 located in Red Bank, New Jersey. The firm is SBE, DBE, and MBE certified, and has P.E. registrations in, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, ID, IL, MT, MA, MI, MD, NY, NJ, ND, UT, OR, OH, PA, SC, TX, VA, WA, WY, and WV, and is certified through NCEES.