
Trenchless Technology Game Changers: Contech Engineered Solutions 

Reline Done Right™

Contech has been providing fully structural rehabilitation and relining solutions using steel and aluminum tunnel liner plate and structural plate, steel reinforced polyethylene pipe, PVC liner pipe and many others for over 75 years –  recently adding in situ manufactured spiral wound steel reinforced HDPE materials. Knowing pipe assessment, structural design & hydraulic analysis is what we do. The result is the right solution for your project needs – done right, on time and under budget. 

As our infrastructure ages, the roadway, water management and sewer control systems are deteriorating and losing integrity. Maintaining these critical structures is a major challenge. Today, perhaps more than ever, keeping our infrastructure safe and workable with limited financial resources requires innovative solutions. Replacement can be costly and time-consuming. Contech makes it easy. We make it our business to know the ideal solution for you – inside and out.

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Rehabilitating or relining a drainage or sanitary pipeline or structure requires a site-specific analysis. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. Every reline project needs to be examined closely by qualified professionals.

From an engineering perspective, the design approach must consider the usual design parameters and must carefully evaluate the current condition of the pipe or structure and the supporting fill that surrounds it. The primary areas where an engineer should be concerned are:

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Geometric shape and condition of existing pipeline or structure (and access structure)

Hydraulic requirements and limitations

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Optimum shape, size and materials


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Design service life

Structural analysis and design

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Specification goals

Are you considering a reline solution to address an aging culvert or storm sewer system? Please reach out to your local Contech representative for additional assistance. For more information, visit or telephone 800-338-1122.

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