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Trenchless Technology Canada – Association Updates Spring 2024

Association Updates is a special section in each issue of Trenchless Technology Canada that offers those associations affiliated with trenchless construction projects an opportunity to update the public on recent association activities.



Two panels discussing trenchless technologies generated a particularly heated discussion on the first day of the CERIU 2023 INFRA convention held last December at Le Centre de congrès de Saint-Hyacinthe. The panels explored the difficulties and problems of trenchless practices in Quebec, going over topics like performance estimations and qualitative control. The topic of normative texts, available learning resources, and practices in Quebec, Europe and the United States were also discussed. All these subjects sparked a great deal of interest from the audience – more than 230 attendees in person and remotely. An interactive survey that was performed on the spot captured the wide range of perspectives held by participants. Of those, over 60 per cent represented municipalities, and over 45 per cent had at least five years of trenchless work experience. The panelists’ varied backgrounds and areas of expertise added depth to the conversations. Due to this diversity, it was possible to examine the problems from several angles and demonstrate how much more effective trenchless solutions are than more conventional ones. These panels confirm CERIU’s unique position, that of being a leader in these techniques in Quebec. CERIU intends to continue the development of specialized tools and promote good practices pertaining to the most effective ways to carry out trenchless rehabilitation projects. See the presentations of these panels at

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As the Canadian Underground Infrastructure Innovation Centre (CUIIC) continues its journey of evolution, we are excited to share recent accomplishments and collaborative efforts shaping the advancement of underground infrastructure. With a network now spanning over 65 organizations across North America, the collective commitment to innovation within our industry remains resolute. In the realm of education, the CUIIC Academy Webinar Series has achieved tremendous success and this momentum carries into 2024, with a compelling schedule of sessions designed to enrich industry professionals. The webinar series is free to attend and includes a live Q&A session, providing a valuable platform for the exchange of knowledge in the underground infrastructure industry. For the schedule and registration information, please visit CUIIC is actively working with industry and academia on the potential Wetland Retention Project. This initiative, still in the exploratory phase, is dedicated to the preservation of natural areas amidst urban development. Our pilot project involves experts specializing in civil, construction, ecology, hydrology, and chemistry. Over a five-year program, we plan to monitor some natural wetland, working to promote the preservation of natural features in new developments with a strong focus on environmental, social, and economic sustainability. While the research project is not yet finalized, it signifies CUIIC’s commitment to innovative infrastructure development. For information about membership, please contact Alyscia Sutch at or visit



The North American Society of Trenchless Technology British Columbia (NASTT-BC) Chapter is excited about 2024 and proud to announce our new leadership team. Hosting the Annual General Meeting was a great way to acknowledge and express gratitude to all the board members for their dedication and hard work. Congratulations to the newly appointed individuals: treasurer, Ryan Turko; vice chair, Mafe Pinzon; chairman, Robert Epp (formerly Vice Chair); and past chair, Sam Eichenberger. No-Dig North 2023 – Trenchless in the West – was held in Edmonton and it was a record-breaking event with the highest number of attendees in its history. The success of the conference, including best practice courses, multiple tracks of trenchless presentations, and a full exhibition floor, reflects the growing interest and engagement in the field of trenchless technology and its massive and incredible environmental benefits. It’s also worth mentioning our organization is actively seeking ways to involve members of the community, particularly young professionals, municipal representatives, and students. Engaging with these groups can bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the organization, contributing to its growth and sustainability. It’s exciting to hear about the anticipation for the upcoming Canadian shows in Niagara Falls, Ontario, in 2024 and Vancouver, British Columbia, in 2025, especially in conjunction with the International Society for Trenchless Technologies conference in Vancouver. For more information on upcoming webinars, courses, events, shows and the municipal scholarship opportunities, interested individuals can visit or

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The North American Society for Trenchless Technology Great Lakes, St. Lawrence & Atlantic Chapter (GLSLA) looks forward to continued success in 2024. Building on our success with events in 2023, this year we plan to host a Training Seminar in late Spring and social events in the spring, at No-Dig North and a second annual end-of-year social luncheon. The No-Dig North Committee has set its sights to be bigger than ever at the tradeshow in Niagara in October 2023. The Student Engagement Committee continues its efforts to connect with student-groups to encourage students to pursue careers in trenchless technology. The Magazine Committee put out the 2023 GLSLA Magazine, which includes articles on trenchless research at Queen’s University and a pioneering HDD project at the Region of peel – look for it in December 2023. We are looking for volunteers to join and lead our Committees (Events/Seminars, No-Dig North, Student-Engagement, Magazine). We will be holding Board of Directors elections this summer, for both re-election and for open seats. To get involved in committees or express interest in standing for election to the GLSLA Board of Directors, please reach out to any current GLSLA Board Member (located on, or through the No Dig North website.



The NASTT-NW Chapter has an exciting 2024 planned. Our goal continues to focus on bringing more educational and networking events across our chapter. In Edmonton we have technical luncheons planned for March 28 and April 25. Our local group is planning other activities throughout the year, and we would appreciate any feedback on events or venues of interest to the members. A fall technical program will be announced soon. Our Calgary caucus is meeting to plan the 2024 activities information on upcoming events to follow. We’re planning a half day seminar in Winnipeg on April 3, introducing our local student chapter to the trenchless community in Winnipeg. The seminar will present an overview of trenchless technologies, and highlight cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) history and advances. Raven Sharma, our chapter vice chair is an instructor at Red River College and is working on preparing continuing education opportunities in the area. We are looking forward to the opportunity to interact with the students and help them get a better understanding of our industry. With No-Dig North being hosted in different regions on a rotating basis, we hope to be able to provide educational forums across our chapter, including NASTT Good Practices courses and collaborating with CUIIC. We continue to have a strong core group of individuals involved in coordinating these opportunities, but as always, we are keen to hear from members and others in the industry who are interested in working with to expand our horizons and offerings.

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