Toro Holds First Horizontal Directional Drill Forum

Toro DD4050 ICUEE 2015

ICUEE 2015 marked the debut of The Toro Co.’s new DD4050 HDD, which offers 5,000 ft-lb of torque

With a focus on growing its position in the underground utility market, The Toro Co. recently hosted horizontal directional drilling (HDD) contractors and equipment dealers from across the country at its corporate headquarters in Bloomington, Minnesota.

The main purpose of the HDD forum, taking place on May 26, 2016, was to help identify customer challenges and discuss solutions that could potentially lead to future innovations to the HDD equipment segment. In addition to general discussion, the event featured hands-on equipment demonstrations.

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Attendees had the opportunity to operate Toro’s family of HDD equipment, including the new TDOS1 drill operating system and the DD4050 — the newest addition to Toro’s lineup of HDD units. The agenda also included sessions regarding best practices in the industry, and tours of Toro headquarters and product development facilities.

“Regardless of whether or not these are current users of Toro HDD units, we are always interested in learning from professionals in the industry and sharing ideas on how to make their jobs easier,” explains Joshua Beddow, marketing manager at The Toro Company. “We have always been a company focused on the needs of customers and developing solutions that help create efficiencies on the job site.”

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Additionally, the Toro HDD Forum provided an opportunity for networking and general information sharing among experienced contractors in the horizontal directional drilling segment.

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