Take Two!
October 8, 2014
Hello to our Canadian friends — we are back with a second standalone issue of Trenchless Technology Canada in 2014!
This second standalone issue is filled with a great blend of rehabilitation and new installation articles. Our cover story, written by assistant editor Mike Kezdi, takes a look at a survey recently conducted by the Centre for Advancement of Trenchless Technologies (CATT). CATT surveyed Canadian municipalities regarding their buried infrastructure. In all, 124 municipalities from the provinces responded.
The survey is pretty interesting and extensive and has some good data for CATT to look into further. A sampling of the noteworthy items that the survey shows is that despite the proven cost and economic benefits of trenchless methods, many municipalities still rely on open-cut methods in addressing their underground infrastructure needs — specifically, 93 percent use open-cut for their water mains and more than 80 percent for their wastewater needs.
What is holding trenchless back? The survey tells us that 68 percent of respondents cited cost as a hindrance, followed by the lack of contractors and lack of knowledge by consultants. The survey results also show that education is a critical component in expanding the use of trenchless methods in the municipalities. The survey’s executive summary sums it up: “Despite the proven benefits of over 20 years of trenchless technology use, it still remains the most under rated and under used tool for pipeline condition assessment, rehabilitation and installation of new pipelines.”
The numbers in the survey are somewhat skewed, as more than 90 percent of respondents are from Ontario, so they speak more to that province than the country as a whole, but it is a great start. The second annual CATT Canadian Municipal Buried Infrastructure Survey is under way and hopefully more municipalities across the country take part. Contact CATT to make sure your municipalities is included. For more on this survey, turn to page. 12.
More Trenchless Technology Canada on the Way
As I stated above, we are digging the response from our inaugural efforts in producing an all-Canada Trenchless Technology book. In fact in 2015, we are doubling our 2014 efforts and are publishing FOUR issues of Trenchless Technology Canada. The reason is twofold: This publication offers marketers the opportunity to reach Canadian contractors, engineers and municipalities/utilities via the strong Trenchless Technology brand that’s been influencing trenchless industry decision-makers for more than 20 years. And, our readers have the conduit to receive the best trenchless technology information that the industry has to offer. Make sure you and your trenchless friends are set up to continue receiving this special publication by keeping your Trenchless Technology subscription current.
See you in January!
Sharon M. Bueno
Managing Editor