Submit an Abstract for 2021 No-Dig North in Vancouver
The North American Society for Trenchless Technology Canadian Regional Chapters are excited to bring No-Dig North to the Vancouver Convention Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on Nov. 8-10, 2021.
The show will consist of two days of technical paper presentations and industry exhibits in the trenchless technology field. Pre-event Good Practices Courses will also be available to attend on Nov. 8, followed by an opening reception for all attendees.
Abstracts are being accepted through March 1. Case studies, new products and methods, trenchless research and innovation and planned methodology changes relating to the following trenchless technologies are being accepted:
- Lining/Sliplining/Coating
- Pipe Bursting/Splitting Eating/Extraction
- Tunneling
- Microtunneling/Pipe Jacking
- Horizontal Directional Drilling
- Auger/Case Boring
- Inspection/Maintenance Technologies
- Subsurface Utility Engineering
Abstracts can be submitted here.
Registration for the event will open soon. For updated information on the show, visit For more information on sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities contact Kelly Dadich at