Map of RELINE UV Group

RELINE Group Becomes RELINE UV Group, Adds RELINE UV ASEAN as Member

RELINE UV GroupAs part of its new brand strategy, the RELINE Group recently announced a name change to RELINE UV Group positioning itself as a specialist in UV light curing, a technology which is gaining in importance across the globe.


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In addition to the name change, RELINE UV Group has added RELINE UV ASEAN PVT Ltd., headquartered in New Delhi, India, to its member companies. This expansion significantly strengthens the group in Asia, meaning it will be able to deliver trusted Alphaliners to the region in 2019 from a new production location in India.

RELATED: RELINE UV-Group Launches RELINE UV Technologies LLC for North and Central American Markets

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The RELINE UV Group, composed of the companies RELINEEUROPE AG (Rohrbach, Germany), RELINEJAPAN LLC (Tokyo, Japan) and RELINECHINA (Shanghai) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd (Shanghai, China), has grown. RELINE UV Technologies LP (Orlando, Florida, USA) was added to serve the North American market in 2017. Other regional members of the RELINE-UV are slated to join soon.

With an annual production of more than 700,000 m (approximately 2.5 million feet), the RELINE UV Group is a leading suppliers of UV-light-curing GRP liners. The group has delivered over 4 million meters (approximately 12 million feet) of UV light-curing hose liner for rehabilitation projects in more than 50 countries since 2009. The RELINE-UV Group also plays a leading role in developing and producing innovative UV equipment to quickly cure light-curing hose liners. It is the only company in the industry to develop and produce not only the UV-light-curing Alphaliners but also the UV equipment required for curing and construction site management.

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Contract signing in Delh, India, for RELINE UV ASEAN, (from left) Christian Noll, president of RELINEEUROPE; Pramod Gupta, owner and CEO of KK SPUN; and Ludwig Allmann and Bernd Flossmann, both presidents of RELINEEUROPE.

RELINE UV ASEAN PVT Ltd. is a joint venture between RELINEEUROPE AG and KKSPUN INDIA Ltd., India’s largest manufacturer and supplier of precast concrete parts. The newest member of the group will be responsible for serving ASEAN nations. The joint venture, with both partners holding 50 percent of shares, aims to expand production of Alphaliners in India, and will begin laying the groundwork for further growth in Asia in 2019. The target market includes Asian markets except for China and Japan, in particular starting with the Indian rehabilitation market.

KKSPUN INDIA has already started using Alphaliners in existing rehabilitation projects some time ago, and is therefore the first customer of the joint venture. A new RELINEEUROPE REE4000 UV system was delivered to India, and the team received intensive training in carrying out rehabilitation projects both in Germany and on site. Deliveries of further UV systems are planned to install the large volume of available Alphaliners with diameters of up to DN 1800.

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With UV now a prominent part of its name, the RELINE UV Group sees an increased demand for UV light-curing hose liners worldwide in trenchless sewer rehabilitation projects. The advantages of this technology in comparison to common heat-curing systems are making it ever more popular in sewer rehabilitation. The RELINE UV Group has been focused on this technology right from the start, offering trusted and innovative UV light-curing glass fibre reinforced hose liners and technologically leading systems for UV curing. This means the group can offer excellent expertise in UV light curing.

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Core products from the RELINE UV Group include GFR hose liners Alphaliner300, Alphaliner500G und Alphaliner1800H, AlphalinerHP, AlphalinerECO and AlphalinerVE for industrial applications, produced in numerous variations in diameters between DN 150 and DN 1800 (6- to 72-in.). In North America the Alphaliners are marketed under the product names UV CIPP Alfa300, UV CIPP Alfa500 and UV CIPP Alfa1800.

The newest UV curing system, REE4000, is equipped with a light output of 6 x 4,000 watts, resulting in a total output of 24,000 watts. This means it is currently the world market’s most powerful UV curing system, offering unique and innovative features for semi-automatic operation. It can be used to quickly and reliably cure UV light-curing liners with a diameter of up to DN 1800 and a wall thickness of 20 mm.

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