Ragula Winner of AGA Award

George Ragula, distribution technology manager at PublicService Electric & Gas Co. of Newark, N.J., was named the winner of theAmerican Gas Association’s 2005 Distribution Achievement Award. He was honoredat the AGA annual Operations Conference.

Sponsored by the American Meter Co., this award is presented each year to anindividual who has made an outstanding contribution to the science and art ofgas distribution.

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Ragula was recognized for his research and development of new technologiesthat include electromagnetic nondestructive inspection of cast iron pipes,third-party damage detection systems using fiber optics, remote leak surveysusing optical methane detectors, visual inspection of “live” gas mains using TV,horizontal directional drilling and trenchless technologies for gas main liningtechnologies and large-diameter coiled pipe.

AGA president David N. Parker said, “George Ragula’s dedication to promotingoperational excellence through smart and effective construction practices is aninspiration to the natural gas industry. His precision and attention to detailhave helped PSE&G to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of itsoperations. We commend him for his leadership.”

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The American Gas Association represents 195 local energy utility companiestha deliver natural gas to more than 56 million homes, businesses and industriesthroughout the United States. AGA member companies account for roughly 83percent of all natural gas delivered by local natural gas distribution companiesin the United States. AGA is an advocate for local natural gas utility companiesand provides a broad range of programs and services for member natural gaspipelines, marketers, gatherers, international gas companies and industryassociates. Natural gas meets one-fourth of the United States’ energy needs. Formore information, go to www.aga.org.

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