Purdue, Louisiana Tech University Present WaterRF #4661 Workshop at ACE 2017
In September 2016, Purdue University and Louisiana Tech University partnered on a research project (WaterRF #4661) with the objective to develop a manual of practice for condition assessment of small diameter (12-in. and smaller) ductile iron pipes.
From 1:30-4:30 p.m. June 13, the ongoing research activities will be presented in a workshop at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Marriott Grand Ballroom Salon D, at AWWA ACE 2017.
Workshop leaders will present and discuss ongoing research activities, including efforts of the project team to collect input from industry, utility and condition assessment practitioners about identifying failures in small diameter ductile iron pipes, technology capabilities, barriers to implementation of condition assessment technologies and developing guidelines for condition assessment programs.
The WaterRF 4661 research team will also share findings of the surveys conducted with the four stakeholder groups involved in ductile iron pipe projects. The workshop will include short presentations followed by interactive working sessions where attendees will be invited and encouraged to share their input on the issues.
Presenters during from Purdue University are: Dulcy Abraham, professor; Srinath Shiv Kumar, doctoral student; and Hamed Zamenian, doctoral candidate; Lyles School of Civil Engineering; and from Louisiana Tech University are: Dr. Tom Iseley, CETF professor and director of Trenchless Technology Center; Saleh Behbahani and Hongfang Lu, doctoral students.
The Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, is at 1201 Market St., Philadelphia. For more information, contact Dulcy Abraham at dulcy@purdue.edu or 765-494-2239.