Publisher’s Message – Microtunneling Spotlight
Every November, Trenchless Technology delves deep into the world of microtunneling, dedicating a substantial portion of the issue to fascinating case studies and a review of upcoming microtunneling projects. Don’t miss our in-depth coverage in this edition, including the featured stories that showcase the latest industry advancements that enable engineers and contractors to design and construct unique and cost-effective installations.
Speaking of microtunneling, it’s worth mentioning the renowned Microtunneling Short Course. During my tenure at Benjamin Media, I was involved in organizing this prestigious annual event. Established in 1993 by Tim Coss (Microtunneling Inc.), Levent Ozdemir (Ozdemir Associates), and Bernie Krzys (Benjamin Media/Trenchless Technology), the Microtunneling Short Course offers invaluable education and networking opportunities. The 2024 Microtunneling Short Course is taking place May 7-9 in Scottsdale, Arizona. For event details, visit
Owner Perspectives
At Trenchless Technology, we excel at presenting the viewpoints of all project stakeholders. In this issue, our editors engage in insightful conversations with four system owners, shedding light on their systems, challenges, and their use of trenchless technology. While each system has its unique set of challenges, a common thread among the utilities we interviewed, as you might expect, is funding. With that in mind I’d like to direct you to our sister publication, Water Finance & Management (, where you can find the latest finance and management trends in the water infrastructure sector.
For a deeper look into owner perspectives, be sure to explore our Trenchless Technology Perspectives Live webinar series. The latest episode, recorded on World Trenchless Day, features three system owners sharing their experiences, lessons learned, and successes with trenchless technologies. You can find the recording for this session and others on
As always, we are here to serve you, our readers. If you have any topic suggestions or comments, please send them to me at
Until next month!
Publisher, Trenchless Technology