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Publisher’s Message – A Shout to System Owners

Kelly VanNatten

In our June issue, Trenchless Technology’s editor, Sharon Bueno, chatted with five water/wastewater system owners about challenges their system faces. After reading through the article, I was reminded that managing our nation’s water/wastewater systems comes with enormous responsibility. In this country alone we have thousands of miles of pipe conveying billions of gallons of water & wastewater every day.

While each system has its own challenges, a common issue among all the system owners interviewed was funding. With that in mind, I wanted to share information about our sister publication, Water Finance & Management ( and the Water Finance Conference, Aug. 8-9, in Cleveland. Two great resources for finance/funding solutions.

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The Water Finance Conference is a one-of-a-kind event that will help you create a water financing program that works, set affordable rates that fund your projects, do more with your water revenue and help you plan for tomorrow. Session topics include Regional Financial Trends and Preferences in the U.S. Water Industry, Financial Capability Assessment Guidance, IIJA Funds for Lead Service Line Replacement in Cleveland, and more. For information/registration, visit:

Remember to mark your calendar for our industry’s big day of celebration – World Trenchless Day – on Sept. 28! Trenchless industry organizations are invited to submit a World Trenchless Day video message to be shared with Trenchless Technology followers on World Trenchless Day. For more ideas on how you can celebrate World Trenchless Day, visit

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As always, the Trenchless Technology staff is here to serve you, our readers. Please feel free to reach out to me at or 234-380-3030 if you have any suggestions or comments. Interested in contributing editorial? Contact Sharon Bueno, editor at

Until next month!

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Kelly VanNatten

Publisher, Trenchless Technology

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