NO-DIG Moscow 2014 Slated for June 3-6
The 2014 NO-DIG Moscow conference will be held June 3-6 at the International Exhibition Centre Crocus Expo in Moscow, Russia. The event is hosted by the Russian Society for Trenchless Technology and the International Association of Specialists for Horizontal Directional Drilling.
The event is a well-established forum for specialists to meet and review the latest products and services of underground utilities. It offers to the suppliers a new opportunity to market products at the highly focused event.
NO-DIG Moscow 2014 will put together the latest technological innovations and one of the biggest community of manufactures and vendors to this specific market. Specialists can expect to see a range of products and services including HDD and microtunneling machines, vacuum excavation, pipe diagnostics equipment, relining and rehabilitation systems, as well as the large international players.
NO-DIG Moscow will take place in parallel with the leading water and wastewater technology trade fair in Russia, CIS and Eastern Europe ECWATECH and the international trade fair Piping Systems for Municipal Infrastructure: Construction, Diagnostics, Repair and Operation CityPipe. For the fourth time, NO-DIG Moscow will take place within ECWATECH-2014 Water Forum, the international water forum Water: Ecology and Technology. In 2012, more than 200 attendees participated in the conference that included 106 exhibitors from 14 countries.
The 2014 Conference will be focused on three main subjects: horizontal directional drilling, rehabilitation and repair and microtunneling. The Program Committee has received more than 100 abstracts and 56 oral presentations. Organizers are glad to encourage potential authors to prepare and submit presentations on any of the Conference streams. Papers will be accepted in electronic form only at by no later than Feb. 1, 2014.
Platinum sponsorship is provided by FORWARD HDD and silver sponsorship by HOBAS Company and Per Aarsleff A/S. For more information about NO-DIG Moscow, visit