Middle East Plastic Pipes 2010 Set for May 17-19

The third AMI international conference on Middle East Plastic Pipes 2010 will take place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from May 17-19. The conference starts with a welcome reception and registration on the first evening followed by a two-day program of expert presentations.

Middle East Plastic Pipes 2010 provides a forum to debate the latest developments in materials, manufacturing technology, installation and applications of plastic pipe in a wide variety of construction projects. There are decades of global experience in the use of plastic pipes from low pressure sewage, cooling and drainage pipe to hot and cold domestic water pipes, to high performance mains pressure pipes.

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The conference brings together experts to debate the use of plastics pipes, with a global focus this year including papers from the MENA region, North and South America, and Europe. Topics include PE water pipes, high performance GRP pipe, insulated pipes, marine outfall, PVC pipe applications and new sources of pipe materials in the Middle East.

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