Editor’s Message – Share your Stories and Photos
How 2 Work with Us
When we started Pipe Cleaning PRO in 2019 it launched with a soup-to-nuts How to Guide for the industry. That issue received such great reception that we’ve made the How to Guide a yearly part of our editorial calendar.
We’ve switched up the topics a bit this year to give all of our sewer and drain cleaning PROs a look at some of the other aspects of this wide-ranging and hands-on industry. From hose repair tips and jetter safety to buying a lateral cutter, jobsite comms and marketing your drain cleaning biz, we’ve got you covered.
RELATED: Download the 2020 Pipe Cleaning PRO How to Guide
In keeping with this theme of how-to tips, if you read on, you’ll find the many ways in which we want to interact with you. From publishing your sewer find photos, to interacting online or being part of the magazine via editorial, we have plenty of options to let your voices be heard.
Send Us Your Photos
We’re looking to you to interact with us — and our readers — by submitting your photos to be included in our PROs on the Road section. But not just any photos, we’re interested in seeing your “sewer finds.” That’s right, we want you to share with us some of things that you’ve encountered while PROfessionally cleaning sewers and drains.
Our plan is to create a compendium of “sewer finds” at pipecleaningpro.com. It doesn’t have to be fatbergs, it could be giant root balls, old tires, Mardi Gras beads and other materials, removed from sewers and drains across North America. Send photos and description of your “Sewer finds” to mkezdi@benjaminmedia.com. I look forward to hearing from you.
Send photos and description of your “Sewer finds” to mkezdi@benjaminmedia.com. I look forward to hearing from you.
Join Our Online Community
Just like you add a new tool to your toolbox to improve your offerings, we’ve added a new tool to ours. In our quest to further connect with our readers, we’ve joined LinkedIn at linkedin.com/showcase/pipe-cleaning-pro-magazine. If you are on LinkedIn, make sure to follow our page for the latest sewer and drain inspection, cleaning and repair news, stories and conversations. We’re also on Facebook at facebook.com/PipeCleaningPRO and on Twitter at twitter.com/pipecleaningpro.
Share Your Story
We want to incorporate more stories that focus on industry-related issues. These stories could include workforce development, safety, insurance, equipment funding, marketing/public relations, etc. If you, or someone you know, could speak to these or any other topics, drop me a note and I’ll add the contact info to my list.
Whether you are a contractor, utility owner, distributor or manufacturer, my door (well in this case e-mail inbox) is always open. Feel free to reach out to me with news and story ideas or other ways in which we can improve the magazine to better suit your needs.
While I am not sure what the future holds in terms of travel for the remainder of 2020, I hope to be able to connect with you before the end of the year. If an in-person meeting is not in the cards, let’s connect virtually whether it be Skype, Zoom or any of the other video conferencing applications. I am always available to chat about this growing, and ever-changing industry. Just a heads up. If you’re picking this issue up from an end table at an office, the barbershop or the bench seat of a combination cleaner truck, and you like what you see, visit pipecleaningpro.com/subscribe to sign up for your free subscription.