Editor’s Message – Canadian Construction Poised for Growth in 2024
Periodically, I like to reference FMI’s North American Engineering and Construction Outlook to see where overall construction sector — in terms of power, sewage and waste disposal, water supply — stands.
The second quarter report for 2024 was published in April, so I figured this would be a good place to share those results with you.
The most important thing to report is that FMI is forecasting that total engineering and construction spending for Canada will end the year up 3 per cent after dropping 1 per cent in 2023. And that growth is largely due to investment in nonbuilding structures, which covers power, highway and street, sewage and waste disposal, water supply and conservation and development. These are categories in which many of our trenchless folks are involved, and a trend we’d all like to see continue.
The report notes that stable segments (growth between 0 per cent and 4 per cent) include religious, communication and water supply. Health care, public safety, transportation, manufacturing, power, highway and street, sewage and waste disposal, and conservation and development are strong growth segments, with each anticipated to experience 2024 year-end growth rates of greater than 5 per cent.
Kudos to authors Jay Bowman, a partner at FMI; Brian Strawberry, chief economist at FMI; and Emily Beardall, a senior consultant at FMI on an insightful report. I encourage everyone to read the report here: fmicorp.com/insights/construction-outlook.
Get Involved
In our March issue of Trenchless Technology magazine, we had a great Last Word column from Steven Kramer, a longtime member of Trenchless Technology’s Editorial Advisory Board and a staunch proponent of being active in the industry in which you work. If you haven’t read it, check it out here: trenchlesstechnology.com/last-word-get-involved-stay-involved-in-our-industry.
If I could summarize Steve’s writing, it would be that while it’s great to attend conferences, trade shows, lunch-and-learn events and the like, it’s important to get involved with the organizations that host the events as well. He notes that it is a positive way to give back to the industry, build your network and help foster the industry’s advancement and growth.
That’s why, when you read our cover story, the annual Municipal Roundtable, you’ll notice there’s a question that asks, “Do you participate in trenchless industry conferences, seminars, etc.? How does that help promote your organization’s use of trenchless technologies?” I think it’s important that we share with each other the benefits of being involved in the industry.
There is no shortage of opportunities to get involved. The Association Updates section of the magazine lists a few of those opportunities. Beyond the ones listed in this issue, there’s organizations like UESI – don’t forget that the 2024 UESI Pipelines Conference is in Calgary, July 27-31 – and UESI Canada (uesicanada.org), the Canadian Water Works Association (CWWA) and its regional associations (cwwa.ca), the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (csce.ca), the Canadian Construction Association (cca-acc.com), and there are many more that I could share.
As Steve says in his column, “Often industry involvement can define a purpose that inspires you and others. It can be very motivational on a personal level, and you will have the chance to have regional or industrywide influence.”
Get In Touch
Remember, for the most part, my phone line is always open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern, and my email inbox is open 24/7.
Feel free to reach out. I’m always down to chat about this industry.
I hope everyone has an enjoyable summer.
Until next time,
Mike Kezdi, Managing Editor
E: mkezdi@benjaminmedia.com
O: 330-752-1916