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Trenchless Industry Veteran Dave McArthur Joins Cretex Specialty Products

Cretex Specialty Products WEFTEC 2016Cretex Specialty Products, the leading provider of mechanical internal and external manhole frame-chimney seals and related manhole rehabilitation products, is adding trenchless industry veteran Dave McArthur to its management team as regional Manager, effective Oct. 24.

McArthur will oversee sales and marketing elements for Cretex Specialty Products and will be working to expand our product specifications and use through promotional efforts to engineers and municipalities, support for contractors, and further develop the Cretex distributor network in the Eastern United States.

McArthur brings significant experience to Cretex having worked in the trenchless renewal industry for more than 25 years. In one of his more recent positions, McArthur served as product manager for 10 years at Maxliner USA, a leader in sewer lateral lining technologies. McArthur looks forward to expanding his support to the industry in his new position at Cretex Specialty Products.

Contact McArthur at 262-510-2713 (direct dial), 908-227-0886 (cell) or
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