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Counting Down the Top 50 Most-Read Stories of 2018: 30-21

As 2018 comes to a close, we’re sharing our 2018 Top 50 Most-Read stories from Some of these posts date back more than a decade and show the breadth of knowledge, about all aspects of the trenchless industry, that is contained in the pages of Trenchless Technology and on our website. Here is a look at stories 30-21. Check in tomorrow for a look at 20-11.

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In case you missed it, here is the link to:  Counting Down the Top 50 Most-Read Stories of 2018: 40-31.

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30. The Delta Directional Formula for Success in the Fiber Market

There aren’t many people who can say they’ve helped pioneer horizontal directional drilling, but Billy Cleveland can. From the early 1990s operating large pipeline drill rigs around the globe for Horizontal Drilling International, navigating the first fiberoptics boom in the late 1990s, to establishing Delta Directional in 2001, Cleveland has seen it and drilled it. He has also trained many of the industry’s best drill operators along the way. Today, Delta Directional, based in Newton, Mississippi, employs more than 180 people and operates over 30 horizontal directional drills. The majority of those people and drills are dedicated to installing fiber optics throughout the United States. Read More

29. 2018 Trenchless Technology Roundtable: The New Face of Trenchless Technology 

The trenchless industry has steadily grown and has continued to drive new innovation to improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Yet, in order for the market to build on that growth, it is imperative to attract, engage and retain the next generation of leaders who will guide the industry for decades to come. To explore the state of the industry as it relates to the future of the market, we decided to invite a cross-section of young professionals to participate in our annual roundtable discussion. Read More

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28. 2018 Trenchless Technology Projects of the Year Announced

Trenchless Technology magazine, the leading publication covering the trenchless marketplace, has announced the winners of its 26th annual Projects of the Year for 2018. Projects are awarded in New Installation and Rehabilitation categories. This year’s winning projects feature the trenchless applications of microtunneling and pipe relining. “It is amazing each year to see how contractors, engineers, owners and vendors collaborate to advance the trenchless industry. This year, the winning projects continue the trend of setting the bar even higher.” Read More

27. Drill Pipe Under-Torque: The Devil in Disguise

Many of you have been there. It’s your first large-diameter bore with your shiny, new maxi drill rig. Part of the way through your first reamer pass, you can’t seem to break out the drill pipe connections. After some careful deliberation — and some unspeakable prayers — out comes the rose bud. Presto, the connection is broken.You tell yourself not to screw them together so tight next time, that should solve the problem. But next time around is worse. The rose bud is useless. Read More

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26. Microtunneling Short Course Turns 25

The annual Microtunneling Short Course, the renowned gathering of the worldwide microtunneling community, is scheduled for Boulder, Colorado, Feb. 5-8, 2018. This will mark the 25th anniversary of the Microtunneling Short Course, which has become the event of the year in the industry. It is the third year the course is being held at the University of Colorado. The hallmark of the course is, and always will be, the top-notch technical presentations from leading global experts that cover everything from planning and design to construction and management. Read More

25. The Design & Construction Cost of a Water Line in Bowling Green, Ohio 

The City of Bowling Green, Ohio, operates a water distribution system that delivers high-quality water. The system operates optimally in a grid system; larger, “trunk water mains,” are installed in a grid pattern on the outer limits of the system with smaller lines branching of the larger lines. Almost all the residential, industrial and commercial areas in Bowling Green were limited to the west side of I-75. However over the past few decades, these areas grow on the east side of I-75. Two 24-in. water mains crossed underneath I-75 at the central and south part of the city to provide water to the east side. Read More

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24. Herrenknecht Helps Improve Efficiency with New Technology 

Anyone who has been around underground construction for any length of time is no doubt familiar with Herrenknecht AG. The company and its familiar green equipment can be seen operating in all corners of the globe on projects that include anything from world record-breaking highway tunnels to small-diameter cable installations. Herrenknecht, headquartered in Schwanau, Germany, made its mark in the underground construction market with its large-diameter tunnel boring machines. In fact, the company leads the way with more than 3,700 completed projects around the world, from sewer and water tunnels to transit and highway tunnels. Read More

23. Comparing HDD Steering Methods

The front line of drilling safely has to be avoiding strikes. Safe drilling requires good planning.

A safe plan requires three elements: Know the precise location of existing lines, know the precise location of the advancing drill bit and know and record the precise location of the newly installed line. All three relate to steering accuracy, yet far too many HDD engineers and planners do not know which steering method is the most accurate or why. The laws of physics haven’t changed. When it comes to steering accuracy, the facts are the same as 30 years ago. Read More

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22. Directional Drilling Safe Practices

Underground utility contractors are familiar with horizontal directional drilling (HDD). In fact, many underground utility construction firms use HDD equipment to complement open-cut excavation to install utilities. In some situations, HDD offers many advantages, including efficiency, speed, cost-savings and less disruption to the environment and traffic flow. Although it does not eliminate the need for open-cut utility construction, it is another tool in the contractor’s arsenal of machines and methods. From the safety perspective, no method is perfect. Read More

21. WSSC Overcomes Challenges in Building New Conveyance System 

In order to meet its commitment to environmental stewardship and clean-water mission, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) is building to eliminate sewer overflows in the area of its Broad Creek Wastewater Pumping Station. WSSC engineers enlisted the services of Mott MacDonald and Gannett Fleming. Together they developed a solution — the Broad Creek WWPS Augmentation Project — which involves modifications to the Broad Creek WWPS, new force main/gravity sewer/pressure sewer to the Piscataway Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), and new headworks and emergency storage at the Piscataway WWTP.  Read More

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In case you missed it, here is the link to:  Counting Down the Top 50 Most-Read Stories of 2018: 40-31.


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