Bernie Krzys’ Top 15 Trenchless Travels

For us, traveling and trenchless go hand-in-hand. Whether it is the myriad conferences and trade shows on the calendar, manufacturer visits or project stories, in the last 25 years the editors and marketing representatives at Trenchless Technology have logged their fair share of frequent flyer miles, earned rental car bonus points and rested our heads at some of the best Best Westerns in the world. However, since the magazine started in 1992, no one can compare to the most prolific traveler on the staff, our publisher Bernie Krzys. Trenchless Technology  and Bernie’s connection to the industry have taken him, and his wife Phyllis Krzys, to many amazing places. Below you will find Bernie’s Top 15 most memorable trips in the last 25 years.

Enjoy the second installment of our Trenchless Technology lists in honor of our 25th anniversary. If you have some favorite trenchless travel destinations, and photos, share them with us and they might appear in an online post or even in print. Email photos to Mike Kezdi, associate editor, at For our March list we will highlight the top trenchless industry mascots.

1. Poland

In 2012, Bernie was a presenter at the annual Polish Trenchless Engineering Conference just outside of Krakow. This event is organized by the Polish trenchless magazine Inzynieria Bezwykopowa. Bernie and his wife Phyllis took the opportunity to visit with Dymitr Petrow-Ganew (Herrenknecht Tunneling) and his family in Warsaw and searched southeast Poland for Krzys ancestral villages. This photo shows Bernie at Majdan Golczanski the original home of his grandfather Jan Krzys.

2. Beijing, China

In 1995 Bernie traveled to Beijing, China as part of a trip organized by Dr. Tom Iseley, Trenchless Technology Center at LA Tech. The event took place at the Chinese Geotechnical Institute just outside Beijing. In this photo are Chris Brahler, TT Technologies, seated first row far left, and Bernie, seated first row second from left. Iseley is in the center of the first row in the red sweater. This was a truly memorable trip that included side trips to the Great Wall and the Forbidden City.

3. Merlin, Oregon

Bernie went rafting three times on the Rogue River on trips organized by Melfred Borzall. This photo was of the entire group who went on the trip circa 1997. This section of the Rogue was protected by the Federal Government as a Scenic Wild River.

4. Hawaii

From 1995 to 2017 several organizations – including NUCA, DCA, PLCAC, PLCA, PCCA -hosted events at the Hawaiian islands. This photo was from 2016 when DCA met in Hawaii. Bernie and Phyllis are shown in the Kapalua area of Maui.

5. Colorado

Bernie Krzys SkiiningFrom 1993 to 2017, Colorado has long been a favorite destination for events. These include the Microtunneling Short Course, Pipeline Leadership Conference, Breakthroughs in Tunneling Short Course, Water Finance Conference, NASTT’s No-Dig Show, Trenchless Seminar, NUCA Annual Convention, DCA Summer Convention. Colorado is really special; and when the opportunity presents itself, Bernie has enjoyed Colorado Rockies. In this photo, Bernie and Phyllis were skiing at Cooper Mountain.

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Editor’s Note: This sponsored list is the second in a series of monthly lists that the Trenchless Technology editorial staff will compile as part of our 25th anniversary celebration. If you are interested in sponsoring an upcoming list, contact Dan Sisko, advertising account manager/Trenchless Technology brand ambassador at

6. Georgia

The International Directional Drilling Rodeo took place four times – Grapevine, Texas (1998); Georgia National Fairgrounds, Perry, Georgia (1999); Texas Motor Speedway, Fort Worth, Texas (2000); and Georgia again (2001). At the 2001 event, Martin Cherrington in the center of this photo was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award. Pictured with Cherrington are Bernie (left) and Grady Bell, formerly of Laney Directional Drilling.

7. Venice, Italy

In 2010, IPLOCA met for its annual convention in Venice, Italy. Pictured here is Phyllis in a gondola while on a cultural tour.

8. Rome, Italy

Bernie Krzys RomeEach year ISTT holds an international No-Dig. Rome hosted the event in 2007 and it drew many NASTT members. With its dramatic history, many attendees had a chance to visit the sights – the Forum, the Coliseum, catacombs, the Vatican, etc. This is a photo of Linda Coss, Microtunneling, Inc and Bernie at the largest Coliseum left in the world.

9. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Bernie Krzys Abu Dhabi TripThe International Pipeline Association (IPLOCA) has an annual convention. In 2014, it was held in Abu Dhabi. Each convention provides for cultural tours. This is a photo of Phyllis Krzys by Abu Dhabi’s main mosque. Abu Dhabi is part of the United Arab Emirates. Well known Dubai is also part of UAE is about 90 miles south of Abu Dhabi. Both cities are very Westernized with unbelievable sights. Dubai has one of the tallest buildings in the world and is noted for a mini-ski resort within a shopping mall.

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Editor’s Note: This sponsored list is the second in a series of monthly lists that the Trenchless Technology editorial staff will compile as part of our 25th anniversary celebration. If you are interested in sponsoring an upcoming list, contact Dan Sisko, advertising account manager/Trenchless Technology brand ambassador at

10. Madrid, Spain

In 2014, ISTT held its international No-Dig in Madrid, Spain, a city of remarkable history. Spain has many castles, very old monasteries, etc., and sights dating back to Roman times. NASTT was represented that year by Derek Potvin, Robinson Consultants, and other NASTT members. This photo shows Bernie in Segovia which has a magnificent castle and is just north of Madrid.

11. Tokyo, Japan

Bernie Krzys TokyoOn the way to a trenchless event Beijing, China in 2011, Bernie stopped over in Tokyo to meet with Rasa Tunneling and Sekisui. This photo was taken at Rasa’s offices. The stopover provided for a chance to tour Tokyo, which included a bike tour of Tokyo and to see Sumo Wrestling matches.

12. Singapore

2010 marked the first ISTT No-Dig held in the island city state Singapore. Bernie and Phyllis are pictured by Merlion the well-known icon of Singapore depicted as a mystical creature with a lion’s head and the body of a fish.

13. Moscow, Russia

Moscow No-Dig 2008The year was 2008 and this was the first ever ISTT No-Dig held in Russia. The Gala Dinner was held on a boat which cruised the Moscow River. Pictured left to right are Ray Sterling and Bernie, United States; Dec Downey, United Kingdom; and a Brazilian Society for Trenchless Technology representative. English signs and English speakers were virtually non-existent.

14. Prince Edward Island, Canada

The Pipeline Contractors Association of Canada (PLCAC) holds an annual convention and in 2016 the event was held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. The group always includes a costume theme party and in honor of Charlottetown being the birth place of the Canadian Confederation, Bernie and Phyllis dressed as the first Prime Minister (John Macdonald) and his wife (Agnes).

15. San Diego, California

While at NASTT’s 2007 No-Dig Show in San Diego, Calif., Baroid invited Bernie and other trenchless industry people to go fly fishing for shark (yes—fly fishing!) off of San Diego the Saturday before the show started. Pictured here is Bernie working to land a shark.
Remember, if you have some favorite trenchless travel destinations, and photos, share them with us and they might appear in an online post or even in print. Email photos to Mike Kezdi, associate editor, at

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