APWA Conference Taking Place June 8-10 in Minneapolis

Amid the challenges that continue to confront public works professionals across the U.S. and Canada, the American Public Works Association (APWA) Sustainability in Public Works Conference brings together top level drectors, department heads, and executives to share innovative ideas and explore new ideas for sustainability in public works. The conference attendees are meeting in educational and general sessions in MinneapolisJune 8 – 10.


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This year’s conference is designed to explore and promote the evolving role of public works professionals in the creation of sustainable communities. And, for the first time, professionals who attend the conference from both the public and private sectors will discover leading-edge products and services with the addition of an exhibition area. APWA will also provide sustainable public works opportunities for professional development and educational activities that focus on sustainability principles, to ensure that conference attendees have the tools and resources they need to advance sustainable change in their communities.


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A full realm of sustainability ideas and innovations will be explored in education sessions such as Municipal Biomass-to Energy Options, Pervious Concrete Projects, Sustainability Framework for Sustainable Communities Micro-Workshops, Improving Urban Eco-Systems, Greening the Nation’s Infrastructure, Floodplain Sustainability, Downsizing Energy Use, and Restoring Urban Watersheds. “At this conference, APWA will feature the brightest leaders and innovators for an inside view of sustainability in public works,” APWA Center for Sustainability Director Julia Anastasio said.


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For more information about APWA’s Center for Sustainability or the APWA Sustainability Conference, please email to janastasio@apwa.net

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