Applications to Exhibit at bC India 2014 Are Being Accepted
Although the next BAUMA CONEXPO SHOW – bC India –doesn´t actually take place until the end of 2014 (Dec. 15-18), alreadypreparations are in full swing. Companies can now sign up to exhibit at thisthird edition of this “InternationalTrade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, MiningMachines and Construction Vehicles.” Application documents are availablefor download as a PDF from:
The deadline for receipt of applications is Feb.28, 2014.
For this upcoming event bC India is moving tothe India Expo Centre in Greater Noida, nearthe capital, Delhi. In total, 170,000 sq m of exhibitionspace (indoors and outdoors), as well as a business and conference center, willbe available to exhibitors at this venue. The last event in February 2013 in Mumbaiattracted a total of 710 companies from 33 countries and more than 28,000 tradevisitors. Following two successfulevents in Mumbai, bC India is moving to Delhi for its next show.
The show has attracted a highly regarded supporter forthe coming event – the Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation(DMICDC). Amitabh Kant, CEO and Managing Director of DMICDC, said the move ofthe event to Greater Noida near Delhi is “a very good idea […]. A lot ofinfrastructure projects are going on in the regions around Delhi. One of themost prestigious is the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor. The $90 billionproject includes the development of eight mega industrial cities of about 200to 500 sq km, a high-speed freight line, ports, airports, power and waterprojects. This is India´s most ambitious infrastructure project aiming tocreate the next generation of smart cities. The northern region of India hasthe best business potential for the construction and construction equipmentindustry and the most favorable conditions for an important constructionequipment exhibition like bC India.”
A trailer presenting impressions of the last event,which took place in Mumbai in February 2013, can be viewed on the bC Indiawebsite: more information visit