2014 NASTT No-Dig Is a Hit in Orlando

2014 No-Dig Ribbon Cutting SponsorsThe 2014 NASTT No-Dig Show, the annual conference and exhibition of the North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT), attracted more than 1,800 attendees to Orlando April 13-17 — the most ever attendees for a non-ISTT co-sponsored event. Attendees soaked up the warmth of the Florida sun to successfully mix business, education and social agendas during the course of the conference.

The No-Dig Show set up shop this year at the Gaylord Palms Hotel & Convention Center for the 23rd annual No-Dig Conference and Exhibition, with trenchless professionals traveling from all over the globe to take in “The Magic of Trenchless.”

2014 No-Dig AffholderThe Show is a fantastic tribute to the industry’s past, present and future, bestowing honors for the incredible work trenchless professionals have done over time. NASTT inducted its third Hall of Fame class: Affholder Inc. founder, Robert Affholder; trenchless advocate Joseph Loiacono; and professor emeritus Dr. Raymond Sterling. TT Technologies president Chris Brahler received NASTT’s Chairman’s Award for Outstanding Lifetime Service; and Abhinav Huli, Haley & Aldrich Inc. and Laura Wetter, Staheli Trenchless Consultants received the Trent Ralston Award for Young Trenchless Achievement. The 2014 Trenchless Technology Person of the Year was presented to Gerry Muenchmeyer and all of the winners of the 2013 Trenchless Technology Projects of the Year were recognized.

There are two main attractions that draw people to the No-Dig Show. One is the technical paper sessions that provide detailed, peer-reviewed papers covering a broad range of topics relevant to the industry. There were 160 papers presented covering the gamut of trenchless methods and issues. The other main component of the No-Dig Show is the exhibition hall, in which attendees can see first-hand the latest products that are keeping the industry at the forefront of the utility construction and repair industry. More than 140 exhibitors filled the exhibit hall.

The 2015 No-Dig Show will be held March 15-19 at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. Deadline to submit an abstract for the technical program is June 30, 2014. For more details, visit www.nodigshow.com.

Sharon M. Bueno is managing editor of Trenchless Technology.

NASTT Hall of Fame Inducts Its Third Class

One of the featured events at the Gala Dinner was the induction of NASTT’s third Hall of Fame class, recognizing the careers of three industry icons. Honored at the dinner were: NASTT inducted its third Hall of Fame class: Affholder Inc. founder, Robert Affholder; trenchless advocate Joseph Loiacono; and professor emeritus Dr. Raymond Sterling.

2014 No-Dig Hof AffholderRobert Affholder is a trenchless industry pioneer who continues to play a leading role 50-plus years later as vice chairman of SAK Construction. In 1958, Affholder started in the underground industry at Armco Steel Co. quickly working his way up from the field into senior management. Then, in 1968, he founded the national tunneling and boring company, Affholder Inc., which eventually became the first mid-America licensee of the Insituform process.  In 1987, the company went public as Insituform Mid-America and later merged to form Insituform Technologies (now Aegion), where Affholder served for 10 years as vice chairman and as a member of the board of directors.  In 2007, he joined SAK Construction, helping to lead one of the fastest growing pipeline rehabilitation companies in the industry.

2014 No-Dig Joe Ioiacano

Joseph Loiacono has been involved with trenchless technologies since 1989 when he attended his first No-Dig Conference in London. Throughout the early 1990s, acting as a director at CERIU, Loiacono aggressively promoted trenchless technologies in North America (especially in Canada) and spearheaded a group of organizations and individuals who persistently lobbied governments at all levels to invest in the renewal of our deteriorating infrastructures. Now as a leader and/or chair of several standard committees at regional and national levels, he continues to promote trenchless technologies in the industry and to students at various Universities. After more than eight years as director of business development for Aqua-Pipe, Loiacono retired at the end of 2013, become a company and industry ambassador.

2014 No-Dig Dr. Ray SterlingDr. Ray Sterling is professor emeritus at Louisiana Tech University, where from 1995 to 2009 he served as the director of its Trenchless Technology Center. He is a past chairman of both the ISTT and NASTT and has been the recipient of the Bechtel Pipeline Award from ASCE and the ISTT’s Gold Medal. He has a broad research background in trenchless technology, geomechanics and underground space use and is a senior editor of Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology.

NASTT Auction Raises Money for Educational Fund

The 13th annual Educational Fund Auction and Reception was held on April 14 — a popular networking event for attendees after a full and busy day of technical sessions and walking the exhibit hall. This year’s event was a record-setter with more than $128,000 raised.

The auction raises financial support for NASTT’s 11 student chapters while attendees have a great time bidding on amazing items. Since 2002, the auction has raised more than $700,000.

Mortimer the Sewer RatRitchie Bros. Auctioneers once again served as the official auctioneers for the popular No-Dig event; a silent auction was also held and bidders could post bids for items on eBay. During the auctions, a wide range of items were donated and bid on from jewelry and electronics to sporting event tickets and trenchless tools and equipment.

Once again, the popular Mortimer the Sewer Rat was up for bid and he will spend the next year traveling with Northeast Remsco Construction.

NASTT also held a “Best Costume” contest at the auction, inviting everyone to done their best Pirate wear. Lots of interpretations of what makes an awesome Pirate, with plenty of Jack Sparrows roaming the reception. Taking first place for the event were Jim Rankin of Vermeer and Cindy Preuss of HydroScience Engineers. In NASTT’s Caribbean Vacation Raffle (announced at the Closing Luncheon), the winner was Greg Penza of ULC Robotics.

2014 No-Dig Auction Pirates

CIPP Forum Draws Interest

2014 No-Dig CIPP Forum

Cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) continues to dominate the trenchless rehabilitation market, with more and more municipalities and owners turning to the minimally invasive and cost-effective process to address their underground infrastructure. NASTT’s CIPP Forum gathered industry professionals from the engineering, manufacturing and contractor sects to talk about this popular trenchless method.

Taking part in the forum were: moderator  Larry Kiest Jr., LMK Technologies and panelists, Ian Doherty, Trenchless Design Engineering Ltd.; Ed Kampbell, Rehabilitation Resource Solutions; Gerry Muenchmeyer, Muenchmeyer Associates LLC; Lynn Osborn, Insituform Technologies; Kaleel Raheim, Interplastic Corp.; John Schroeder, CDM Smith; and Jim Shelton, Malcolm Pirnie/Arcadis.

Before taking questions from the large audience, the panel gave presentations on the History of CIPP, CIPP Technologies Available Today, Industry Standards and Cost Value Benefits.

GAME Trenchless Consultants and Warren Environmental Inc. Receive Joseph L. Abbott Jr. Innovative Product Awards

With the rapid pace of technological innovation across the industry, new products are constantly introduced to the trenchless market. Each year, NASTT recognizes these technological advancements through the Joseph L. Abbott Jr. Innovative Product Awards. Annually, two companies with state-of-the-art products are chosen as recipients of this honor.

This year, the Innovative Product Awards were presented to GAME Trenchless Consultants for its JD7 PipeScan+ and to Warren Environmental, Inc., for its Pressure Infusion Lining System. These products are capable of advancing infrastructure management in many important ways.

2014 No-Dig GAME Trenchless Consultants

The JD7 PipeScan+ from Game Trenchless Consultants is an innovative new tool for condition assessment. A relatively new player in the trenchless market, GAME was formed following an agreement with GENIVAR Inc (now WSP Group) to purchase the Canadian rights to the JD7 Technology. To date, the firm has been involved in live water main condition assessment inspections and trenchless engineering design and support for CIPP projects, both for small and large diameter water main and sewer systems of all ages and materials. 

2014 No-Dig Warren EnvironmentalWarren Environmental, Inc. was recognized for its pressure infusion lining system for ductile iron, asbestos, lead jointed clay water and sewer lines, laterals or any distressed pipe product. This patented invention is safe for use in potable water systems and eliminates the need for wet-out facilities, over the road transport of weight restricted materials, refrigeration concerns and the need for steam or boiler trucks.

The Innovative Product Awards are given in memory of the late Joseph L. Abbott Jr., an active member of NASTT since its inception in 1990. Recognized as one of NASTT’s seven charter members, he also served on its Board of Directors from 2003 to 2007. Following his years of service, he continued to be involved at a high level. Joe was an exhibitor and supporter of all the NASTT No-Dig Shows and is remembered each year by the entire NASTT family.

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