2012 No-Dig a Success in Nashville

The No-Dig Show, the annual conference and exhibition of the North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT), returned to Nashville and brought with it more than 1,600 attendees who successfully mixed business, education and country western hospitality.

Trenchless professionals from around the globe gathered in the Tennessee capital city March 11-15 for the 21st annual No-Dig Conference and Exhibition. The all-trenchless event took place at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center.

The show was a great tribute to the trenchless industry, as NASTT inducted its first Hall of Fame class: the late Gary Vermeer, founder of Vermeer, Frank Canon, Baroid IDP, and Bernie Krzys, publisher/president of Trenchless Technology magazine. ISTT executive director John Hemphill received NASTT’s Chairman’s Award for Outstanding Lifetime Service; and Dan Willems, Stantec, received the NASTT Trent Ralston Award for Young Trenchless Achievement. The 2012 Trenchless Technology Person of the Year was presented to Dr. Sam Ariaratnam and all the winners for the 2011 Trenchless Technology Projects of the Year were recognized.

There are two main attractions that draw people to the No-Dig Show. One is the technical paper sessions that provide detailed, peer-reviewed papers covering a broad range of topics relevant to the industry. There were 155 papers presented covering the gamut of trenchless methods and issues. The other main component of the No-Dig Show is the exhibition hall, in which attendees can see first-hand the latest products that are keeping the industry at the forefront of the utility construction and repair industry. About 140 exhibiting companies occupied the 70,000-sq ft exhibit hall.

The 2013 No-Dig Show will be held at the Sacramento Convention Center March 3-7 in Sacramento, Calif. Deadline to submit an abstract is June 30, 2012. For details visit www.nodigshow.com.

Sharon M. Bueno is managing editor of Trenchless Technology.


NASTT Hall of Fame Inducts First Class

One of the premier presentations at the Gala Dinner was the induction of NASTT’s inaugural Hall of Fame class. Honored at the dinner were: the late Gary Vermeer, founder of Vermeer Mfg., Frank Canon, Baroid IDP, and Bernie Kryzs, publisher of Trenchless Technology magazine.

Gary Vermeer’s daughter and current Vermeer CEO Mary Andringa accepted the award on behalf of her father. Vermeer was the founder and chairman of Vermeer Corp. and was known for his innovation and contributions to the agricultural and construction equipment industries, as well as his philanthropic efforts. He was a strong supporter of pursuing trenchless drilling methods and markets that were new to the industry. By the early 1990s, HDD was the company’s leading product line and is a mainstay of Vermeer’s equipment offerings today.

Frank Canon joined Baroid IDP in the oilfield 1975 and today is known throughout the trenchless industry for his expansive knowledge and expertise of drilling fluids, focusing on HDD, microtunneling, auger boring and pipe bursting. Over the years, he started sharing the information and experience he obtained in solving the many problems and situations he encountered through seminars and training sessions. In 2000, he was named the Trenchless Technology Person of the Year and is a past NASTT board member.

Bernie Krzys was part of the trenchless technology industry for many years on the manufacturing side before leaving that behind to produce the first magazine dedicated to trenchless technology. Today, the magazine Trenchless Technology is celebrating its 20th anniversary and has spawned countless other construction magazines under Krzys. He also introduced educational seminars on trenchless technology and launched the popular HDD Rodeos during the 1990s. Today, his company Benjamin Media manages the No-Dig Show. Krzys is a past NASTT board member and remains an active participant in the annual Educational Auction.

NASTT Auction Raises $100,000

The 11th annual Educational Fund Auction was held on March 12 and raised a record-amount: $100,636.85. The auction raises financial support for NASTT’s 11 student chapters while attendees have a great time bidding on amazing items. Since 2002, the auction has raised more than $533,636.

Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers once again served as the official auctioneers for the popular No-Dig event; a silent auction was also held and bidders could post bids for items on eBay. During the auctions, a wide range of items were donated and bid on from jewelry and electronics to sporting event tickets and trenchless tools and equipment.

Once again, the popular Mortimer the Sewer Rat was up for bid and he will spend the next year traveling the Vermeer Corp./McLaughlin team.

NASTT also held a “Best Costume” contest at the auction, inviting everyone to don their best cowboy/western duds. There were a lot of sheriffs and cowboys roaming the auction reception. Best costume went to Kim Staheli, Staheli Trenchless, for her outstanding and totally fun take on country singer Dolly Parton.

Vermeer & LiquiForce Receive Joseph L. Abbott Jr. Innovative Product Awards

NASTT annually recognizes two companies with state-of-the-art products in either new installation or rehabilitation for their achievements in advancing the trenchless industry—called the Joseph L. Abbott Jr.  Innovative Product Awards. At the 2012 No-Dig Show, Vermeer Corp. and LiquiForce are the recipients of this honor.

The award is given in memory of the late Joseph L. Abbott Jr. was an active member of the society since its inception in 1990. Recognized as one of NASTT’s seven charter members, he also served on its Board of Directors from 2003 to 2007. Following his years of service, he continued to be involved at a high level. Joe was an exhibitor and supporter of all the NASTT No-Dig Shows and he will be missed by the entire NASTT family.

Vermeer and LiquiForce were formally recognized at the Gala Dinner.

Vermeer received the New Installation Award for its D36x50 Series II Navigator horizontal directional drill, featuring the MAGnum rock drilling system. The drill was unveiled at the ICUEE show in October. Using rapidly rotating magnets of alternating polarity within the carriage assembly, a high frequency percussive action is generated to fracture and effectively bore through tough formations, including solid rock. This hammer technology was developed in collaboration with FlexiDRILL, a New Zealand-based engineering company, and is licensed for exclusive distribution by Vermeer.  Not a dedicated rock drill, the MAGnum system can be disengaged by the flip of the switch and the D36x50R Series II will perform as a conventional HDD drill.

LiquiForce received the Rehabilitation Award for its Junction Liner lateral rehabilitation system, which was unveiled at the No-Dig Show. Key to this rehab system is the absence of a cleanout, it’s not required. The engineered Junction Liner system incorporates a seal to the mainline sewer (lined or unlined) using hydrophilic gaskets. Prior to lining, the automated control center operator cleans the lateral removing roots and debris, inspects it for a condition rating, and electronically measures the pipe for exact manufacturing specifications, all of these steps being done remotely. The entire lateral installation process has been reduced from a previous total of 13, down to a current four. No cleanout is necessary for the process, so installation costs and long term liabilities are significantly reduced.

2013 No-Dig Heads West to Sacramento

California, here we come! The 2012 No-Dig Show may have just ended, but plans are already under way for the 2013 No-Dig Show in Sacramento. For the first time since 2007, the No-Dig Show heads west to California. The event will take place March 3-7 at the Sacramento Convention Center.

No-Dig 2013 program chair is Kim Staheli, who served as co-chair of the 2012 Program Committee. “I am excited to have the No Dig Show return to the West Coast because of all of the trenchless advances that have occurred on projects in the West since the No-Dig Show was here last,” Staheli said. “Sacramento is a wonderful city to host the show since it just finished its series of big Interceptor projects that included thousands of feet of trenchless pipeline installation.”

She further noted that Sacramento is also a great location because it is centrally located – just a short drive from the California Coast, the Napa Vineyards, and skiing in Lake Tahoe. The show is going to have a feature on the history of directional drilling, which is fitting since the “father of HDD” – Martin Cherrington – is based in Sacramento.

As always, there will be technical sessions presenting the highest quality of professional papers in the industry. Attendees will be able to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Professional Development Hours (PDHs) for their participation in these technical sessions.

2013 Call for Papers!

NASTT is now accepting abstracts for its 2013 No-Dig Show in Sacramento, Calif., March 3-7. Deadline for abstract submittal is June 30, 2012.

Prospective authors are invited to submit a 300-word abstract outlining the scope of their paper and the principal points of benefit to the trenchless industry. Abstracts must be submitted electronically via the No-Dig Show website at: www.nodigshow.com. NASTT’s 2013 No-Dig Show Program Committee will review abstracts in mid-July and notify the primary authors of acceptance immediately afterward. To ensure meaningful and commercial-free technical content, all papers will be peer-reviewed.

Abstracts from the following subject areas are of interest to the No-Dig Show Program Committee:

• Pipeline Inspection and Locating
• Condition Assessment
• Subsurface Utility Engineering
• I&I and Leak Detection

Cutting-Edge Advances in Pipeline and Manhole Rehabilitation
• Cured-in-Place Pipe Lining
• Sliplining
• Pipe Bursting
• Laterals Rehabilitation
• Grouting
• Lining Materials and Application Methods

New Installations
• New Concepts for Trenchless Equipment, Materials and Methods
• Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)
• Microtunneling
• New Applications for Boring Techniques (Auger Boring and Pipe Ramming)
• Pilot Tube Boring (Tunneling)

Trenchless Research and Development
• University and Industry Initiatives
• Education and Training

Environmental Incentives, Challenges and Sustainability
• Carbon Reduction
• Sustainable Construction Practices

Municipal Issues
• Selection Criteria for Contractors
• Development of Submittal Requirements
• Measuring Quality Assurance/Quality Control
• Project Budgeting and Prioritization
• Selection Criteria for Materials
• Funding for “Green” Technologies
• Lessons Learned

Industry Issues
• Social Costs and Impacts
• Industry Trends, Issues and Concerns

Want to See More No-Dig Photos?

We would love to show every one of the photos we snapped at the 2012 No-Dig Show, however, space prevents us from doing that. To check out all the sights and sounds of the trenchless industry’s biggest event, go to our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/TrenchlessTechnologyMagazine.

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