WEFTEC 2016 Preview and Trenchless Products Showcase
Use this slider to page through the trenchless products showcase highlighting what some of the trenchless-related companies exhibiting in New Orleans have to offer.
As the largest annual water quality conference and exhibition in the world, WEFTEC’s 2016 technical program and exhibition will include more than 130 technical sessions, 29 workshops, local facility tours, numerous events, and nearly 1,000 exhibitors who will showcase the latest developments, research, solutions and cutting-edge technologies. A wide range of topics and focus areas allow attendees to design their own, unique learning experience with the opportunity to earn continuing education credits.
To stay abreast of all the activities taking place during WEFTEC 2016, use the WEF app available at weftec.org/weftecmobile/.
A wide range of topics and focus areas allow attendees to design their own, unique learning experience while earning up to 35 contact hours for continuing education units and nine professional development hours. The technical features more than 900 speakers and is put together by more than 230 topical experts in the Program Committee using a highly rigorous selection process ensuring a high quality program.
The 2016 technical and workshop sessions include: Collection and Distribution Systems; Energy Production, Conservation, and Management; Facility Operations and Maintenance, and Wastewater Treatment; Industrial Issues, Including Mining and Petro-Chemical Industries; Oil and Gas Focus; Innovation; Laboratory Practices; Leading Edge Research; Nutrient Management; Public Officials; Residuals and Biosolids; Stormwater, Green Infrastructure, and Wet Weather; Utility Management; Water Reclamation and Reuse; Water Resource Recovery Facility Design; and Water Supply and Management.
WEFTEC’s exhibition will complement the technical program by providing access to more than 1,000 exhibiting companies and their technical experts who will show the latest developments, research, solutions, and cutting-edge technologies in the field. Also featured on the exhibition floor will be increased opportunities to interact directly with the experts, mobile sessions and special exhibitor demonstrations; the popular Innovation Showcase and Pavilion; and the Stormwater Pavilion.
Providing the best of both worlds for stormwater professionals will be the fourth annual Stormwater Congress. Once again co-located with WEFTEC, Stormwater Congress features more than 15 specifically-tailored, stormwater technical sessions and workshops on: regulations and policies, flood impacts and mitigation, benefits of green infrastructure, stormwater and transportation systems, operations and maintenance, research in stormwater, stormwater financing, stormwater funding strategies and more.
Those looking for things to do outside of the conference, can visit neworleanscvb.com/weftec/ for information specifically tailored to WEFTEC attendees courtesy of the New Orleans Convention & Visitors Bureau.
Formed in 1928, WEF is a not-for-profit technical and educational organization with 36,000 individual members and 75 affiliated Member Associations representing water quality professionals around the world. WEF members, Member Associations, and staff proudly work to achieve our mission to provide bold leadership, champion innovation, connect water professionals, and leverage knowledge to support clean and safe water worldwide. To learn more, visit wef.org.
Mike Kezdi is associate editor of Trenchless Technology.
ADS water management system products include SaniTite HP pipe for sanitary sewer projects and HP Storm pipe for gravity-flow, storm water drainage. Both products are made from long-life polypropylene, are available in diameters from 12 to 60 in. and meet appropriate AASHTO and ASTM standards. SaniTite HP and HP Storm pipe are not affected by soils or effluent with pH ranges of 1.5 to 14, are 30 times lighter than concrete pipe and come in 20-ft lengths. Both provide structural strength, joint integrity, maximum flow capacity, design flexibility, a favorable price and can be installed by a one- or two- person crew without additional heavy equipment. Founded in 1966, ADS serves the industry through a global network of 61 domestic and international manufacturing plants and 31 distribution centers. For more information, contact any local ADS office, visit ads-pipe.com or come to WEFTEC 2016 to discuss your project. Booth #1837
Aegion Corp. and companies from its Infrastructure Solutions and Corrosion Protection platforms – Corrpro, Insituform, Fibrwrap, United Pipeline Systems and its newest acquisition Underground Solutions – will be exhibiting at WEFTEC 2016. These companies will showcase their latest pipeline rehabilitation offerings including CIPP solutions, advanced FRP composite systems, thermoplastic lining capabilities, Fusible PVC and corrosion control methods for both gravity and pressure systems. Aegion combines innovative technologies with market leading expertise to maintain, rehabilitate and strengthen infrastructure around the world. Since 1971, the company has played a pioneering role in finding transformational solutions to rehabilitate aging infrastructure including pipelines in the wastewater, water, energy and mining industries. For more information, visit aegion.com. Booth #1028
AMERICAN Cast Iron Pipe Co.’s Flex-Ring restrained joint ductile iron pipe uses the sealing features of its Fastite joint and a boltless restrained connection, providing flexible restraint against endwise separation from thrust. Easy and very quick to assemble, the joint is designed for a working pressure up to 250 psi. Flex-Ring also lends itself perfectly to installations using horizontal directional drilling and pipe bursting. For more information, visit american-usa.com. Booth #3829
AP/M Permaform offers engineered solutions for the cost-effective repair and trenchless replacement of badly deteriorated manholes, pipe and similar underground structures. For rehabilitation of existing manholes, Permacast — our engineered fine aggregate cementitious liner and polymer coating system – is centrifugally cast from our patented robotic applicator. CentriPipe — Centrifugally Cast Concrete Pipe — is our cost-effective and fully structural lining of sanitary and storm pipe 36 in. in diameter and larger whether round, arched or elliptical. ConShield additive protects against MIC corrosion and Crystal-X is our internal crystalline membrane waterproofing system. Visit us at WEFTEC 2016 in New Orleans or call 800-662-6465 for more information today. Booth #1334
Applied Felts now offers its latest innovations in CIPP liner technology. AquaCure RP — a breakthrough liner that combines fiberglass reinforcement with Applied Felts’ existing, best-in-class felt liner design and construction. AquaCure PS — specially designed for pressure sewer pipes and other non-potable water applications. And AquaCure PW — uniquely suited for potable water applications and designed to incorporate quality liners with your NSF-certified system. A pioneer in CIPP technology for nearly 40 years, Applied Felts is the world’s largest independent manufacturer of 100 percent vertically integrated, quality liners. Every phase of manufacturing — including a 28-stage testing system — is done in one location, ensuring confidence that Applied Felts’ quality liners will stand the test of time. For more information visit appliedfelts.com or call 276-656-1904. Booth #2204
Widely recognized as the thinnest product on the market, AV-100 is an ultra-low viscosity, chemically reactive gel that is available as either granules or liquid, and has the same viscosity as water. AV-100 can permeate anywhere water can travel and cures within a controllable time — anywhere from 5 seconds to ±10 hours. Once cured, AV-100 creates an effective, long-lasting water barrier while providing superb soil stabilization. AV-100 is used to rehabilitate and sustain municipal sanitary sewer collection systems, eliminating infiltration in manholes, sanitary and storm sewer mainlines, joints and laterals and various other underground structures by stabilizing external substrate. By eliminating infiltration, there is a reduction in excess flow to wastewater treatments plants, a decrease in treatment costs and an extension in the life expectancy of our underground infrastructure. For more information on AV-100, visit avantigrout.com for technical specifications, FAQs, videos, case studies and animations. Booth # 1221
Designed to handle the toughest of conditions, the XP-SKX Series is explosion-proof and FM, C/US approved (Class I, Division 1, Group C and D) for hazardous locations. All liquid end pump parts feature 316 Stainless Steel for superior corrosion resistance. Top features include: Shredding Technology – Solids handling Shredder-type impeller features a tungsten carbide tip which cuts against a specially designed spiral diffuser plate, leaving shredded solids smaller to prevent sump and pump clogging. All parts exposed to pumped liquids feature corrosion-resistant 316 stainless steel. Oil-lubricated double mechanical seals with a and separate lip seal to protect the motor. Heavy duty SOOW power and sensor cable. Pump Seal Minder (early warning seal failure) and overheating protection and motor thermals systems motor. Heads to 110 ft and up to 900 gpm. Epoxy coated cast iron motor housing provides both corrosion resistance and good thermal cooling. Booth #2251
BOS Solutions is a solids control and waste mitigation company that provides solutions for waste management challenges in multiple industries. We would like to introduce the BOS III tanks system to separate liquid and solid waste on site. The BOS III patented dewatering process can process large volumes and return clean water to the surface or a city storm drain system. Yes, we get the water that clean! We perform services on HDD crossing projects, pit and tank cleaning, sludge pond clean up, sewage waste ponds, reclaiming units, and also work on construction projects with jet grouting spoils, remediate fly ash ponds, do soil remediation and more. Our cuttings once processed, are dry, stackable, can be hauled by dump truck rather than vacuum trucks, and have no problems passing the EPA’s paint filter tests. All of these environmentally friendly solutions make disposal much easier and less costly. Booth #244
Since 1984, Channeline International has been the premium supplier of fully structural non-circular sewer lining systems. Using GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) technology, Channeline have now perfected systems to rehabilitate man-entry sewer, custom built bends and curves, box culverts, transitions, manholes and subsurface structures. For more info, call Andy Sherwin at 514-242-4495. Booth #1642
Cherne Underground
Cherne Underground, a division of Oatey SCS, is excited to announce the launch of multi-size high pressure plugs. Unlike single sized products, Cherne’s new high pressure plug features metal bonded to rubber for simple blocking and eliminates fears of separation or rolling off, resulting from high backpressures. These plugs have a multi range use (six plugs will cover pipe sizes from 4 in. to 32 in.), an optimized design using steel, aramid and natural rubber to ensure longevity and robust construction, and consist of removable and field repairable hardware. This product is manufactured in the United States to ensure high quality. Test with the Best. Booth #4020
CIPP Corp.
CIPP Corp. has developed a new Fiberglass reinforced felt liner for the potable water Industry. The specially designed resin system used has been developed to prevent premature hardening and works extremely well in the presence of water. Water mains are difficult at best to completely dewater prior to liner installation. CIPP Corp.’s specialty resin development overcomes this obstacle. These liners are designed with a 2-to-1 pressure safety factor through the ASTM F1216 design formula. They are a standalone pipe needing no support of the host pipe to maintain their structural stability. They are ANSI/NSF 61, BNQ Certified with safe drinking water in mind. Flow capacity is maintained while corrosion becomes a problem of the past. Sizes from 6 in. on up are available, with installation only taking a few hours. Installation has minimal impact on the neighborhood and reinstatement of corporation stops are completely trenchless. For more information, visit cippcorp.com or call 888-485-CIPP (2477). Booth #3207
Contech Engineered Solutions
Contech has been providing fully structural rehabilitation and relining solutions using steel and aluminum tunnel liner plate and structural plate, steel reinforced polyethylene pipe, PVC liner pipe and many others for more than 70 years — recently adding in situ manufactured spiral wound PVC and steel reinforced HDPE materials. Knowing pipe assessment, structural design and hydraulic analysis is what we do. The result is the right solution for your project needs – done right, on time and under budget. Contech Engineered Solutions is a leading provider of site solution products and services for the civil engineering industry. Contech’s product portfolio includes bridges, drainage, retaining walls, storm and sanitary sewer, stormwater treatment, and erosion control products. To contact one of Contech’s 50 offices or 300 professionals nationwide, visit ContechES.com or telephone 800-338-1122. Booth #3507
Cretex Specialty Products
PRO-RING is the most advanced concrete-alternative manhole and catch basin grade adjustment system available anywhere. Available in round, square and rectangular, these rings are manufactured from Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) which is renowned for its exceptional strength to weight ratio, durability, chemical resistance and long service life under harsh conditions. One person can install the PRO-RING system in just minutes to within a quarter inch of finished grade and they are watertight. Where concrete rings break and may cause injury, the PRO-RING system eliminates the hazard, helping minimize the risk of injury. A 6-in. PRO-RING weighs 14 lbs and stands up to all kinds of physical abuse. The PRO-RING system speeds manhole installation and repair time. Manhole repair sites can be opened, repaired and closed in one day, reducing overall costs from 20 to 30 percent, based on conditions. Angle rings are available to match slopes, which eliminates the need for mortar and shimming. Visit cretexeals.com or call 800-345-3764. Booth #1319
The CUES Lateral and Mainline Probe II (LAMP II) can be used to remedy potential crossbore risks and to aid in locating buried assets. The LAMP II is an inspection tool for identifying infiltration and inflow, potential crossbores, pipe defects, and structural conditions in lateral services and mainlines. The LAMP II with the optional Mini Pan & Tilt Camera will inspect laterals services and traverse multiple bends and wyes when deployed with or against the flow. Mainline inspection is accomplished with a pan, tilt and 40:1 zoom camera. The LAMP II can pull 1,000 ft video cable, reducing traffic control expenses while increasing production, and launch 150 ft or more into the lateral. The Mini Pan & Tilt Camera includes a detachable steering wand, self-leveling camera head, built-in lens wiper, 360 degrees pan and tilt, four banks of LED’s with variable light intensity, and a built in sonde with switchable frequencies. Visit cuesinc.com, email salesinfo@cuesinc.com or call 800-327-7791. Booth #1111
Duke’s Root Control does it all, providing the best chemical root control product available, applied by the most professional crews in the industry. Razorooter II is the only diquat-based herbicide registered by the U.S. EPA for controlling nuisance tree roots in sanitary sewer line collection systems and received a classification of “evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans” (USEPA Diquat R.E.D. Facts, July 1995). In 2014, the EPA further approved an amendment of Duke’s diquat dibromide labels to lower the signal word from “warning” to “caution.” Our crews insert a hose from manhole to manhole, preparing to fill the affected sewer pipe with Razorooter II. The foam is then released, compressing against pipe surfaces, penetrating cracks, joints and connecting sewers. Roots are killed on contact, decay naturally and slough away. Duke’s applications prevent root-related stoppages for 2-3 years. We guarantee it. Visit dukes.com or call 800-447-6687. Booth #4011
Electro Scan has become the nationwide standard for testing and certifying trenchless rehabilitation projects. Specifically designed to certify cured-in-place pipe (CIPP), fiberglass reinforced pipe (FRP), high-density polyethylene pipe (HDPE), spiral wound pipe (SRP), and point repairs, including short liner CIPP, Electro Scanning Inspection locates and quantifies all leaks from accidental cuts, bad service reconnections, overcooked liners, poorly cured pipes, and faulty resins that leak — typically missed by CCTV or visual inspection. According to the newly published, “7th Edition. Volume 1, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS” manual, Electro Scanning Inspection is recommended for all pre-and post-rehabilitation to quantify reductions in flow by individual defect and for total pipe segments. Municipal agencies may either contract for professional services — directly from the company — or purchase equipment as an add-on to existing CCTV truck or van to conduct its own independent certification of trenchless repairs, rehabilitation or new construction. Booth #2906
The new cable-free Quickview airHD camera captures high-definition (HD) video from sewers, and transmits it wirelessly to a touchscreen tablet for live viewing. With the Quickview app installed, the tablet offers fingertip control of zoom, illumination, and tilt, as well as image capture and video recording/playback/annotation/sharing. And because the camera has motorized tilt, as well as in-manhole centering capability and hands-free stabilization, set-up takes virtually no time at all, and both the operator’s hands remain free to operate the tablet. At the heart of the new Quickview airHD is an HD zoom camera with 30X optical zoom (plus 12X digital) paired with Envirosight’s new Quad-Haloptic light engine. The camera is tuned to deliver maximum detail from within pipes, and the light engine combines four offset LED/reflector pairs to surround the camera with powerful, focused illumination that is perfectly aligned for maximum range and optimum viewing at any distance. Booth #7538
Hobas pipe is suitable for virtually every installation method of new construction and rehab. The centrifugally cast, fiberglass-reinforced, polymer mortar pipe is inherently corrosion resistant and lasts 100 years or more. Leak-free, push-together joints reduce installation time and costs. Lightweight equipment can lift a large diameter 20-ft section. Key applications are sanitary and storm sewers, corrosive environments and potable water. Diameter for both pressure and gravity pipe ranges from 18 to 126 in. Hobas Pipe USA has obtained recertification in accordance with ISO 9001 and 14001. The recertification was granted following in-depth audits by TUV SUD Management Service GmbH. The certificates verify the establishment and application of Quality (9001) and Environmental (14001) Management Systems for development, production, sales and customer service of centrifugally cast fiberglass-reinforced polymer mortar (CCFRPM) pipes. Booth #2645
The SL-RAT finds sewer blockages fast saving time, water and money. Stop cleaning clean sewer lines by focusing collections resources with the Sewer Line Rapid Assessment Tool. The SL-RAT uses patented active acoustics to provide a quick view of blockage conditions within gravity-fed sewers. The test takes three minutes with no flow contact. Inspect 10 to 20,000 ft per day with two people. Operating cost is typically 1/10th – 1/20th that of alternatives. EPA validated. GPS enabled. Download data to the Sewer Line Data OrGanizer or SL-DOG for archiving, visualization in Google Earth, or integration with enterprise/GIS applications. More than 50 million ft inspected to date. Visit infosenseinc.com or call 877-747-3245. Booth #1541
ISCO Industries has been a world leader in custom HDPE fabrication for many years. A combination of skilled, tenured, and dedicated fabricators, along with a reinvestment program in machinery and equipment give us capabilities that cannot be replicated. Perforating and slotting capabilities are completely automated. Our HDPE sheet stock welder enables us to make tanks of various diameters. Over the years, ISCO has added many machines, such as a tee/wye machine, specialty saws, and a pipe “ovaling” machine. For more information, visit isco-pipe.com.
LMK’s T-Liner is a one-piece homogenous main and lateral CIPP connection liner that is ASTM F2561 compliant. T-Liner has a uniform wall thickness and incorporates compressible lining material at the upstream and downstream ends creating a smooth tapered transition to the host pipe. Both the mainline and lateral sections are formed as a structural cylinder that renews 18-in. and 360-degrees of the mainline and extends up the lateral pipe as one continuous lining. T-Liner with Insignia compression gasket-sealing technology provides a verifiable non-leaking system. These compression gaskets are embedded between the host pipe and the T-Liner and are compatible with all pipe types including polyethylene. A permanent lateral identification indicia is placed on the mainline lining which includes the building address and other pertinent information regarding the raw materials and other pertinent manufacturing details. Call 815-640-9302 or visit lmktechnologies.com/t-liner for more information. Booth #5413
Logiball manufactures a complete line of Test & Seal Packers for the trenchless rehabilitation of collection systems. Specialty contractors and municipalities worldwide use our later packer to stop infiltration at lateral connections and in lateral joints from the mainline sewer access to as far as 30 ft from the mainline. Chemical grout is pumped through the packer and forced out through existing pipe defects to seal and stabilize the soil around the injection points preventing washout of backfill fines into the sewer and sealing off infiltration. For more information, call 800-246-5988, 418-653-5746, email Logiball@logiball.com or visit logiball.com. Booth #1320
NASSCO is committed to setting industry standards for the assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation of underground infrastructure. Pipeline cleaning and inspection are critical components to keeping our infrastructure healthy, and NASSCO offers resources, including Specification Guidelines which were written to provide a comprehensive, uniform and consistent template for the procurement of pipeline cleaning and pipeline inspection. They include guidance for the successful planning, implementation and completion of a sewer cleaning and/or sewer inspection project. These specification guidelines have been prepared by the NASSCO Industry Standards Committee, which is comprised of experts in the field including contractors, owners (public and private), equipment manufacturers, operators, and engineers. Specification Guidelines supporting trenchless technologies are provided as a complimentary service at nassco.org (under specifications) and at tradeshows and conferences to continue NASSCO’s steadfast commitment to assure the continued acceptance and growth of trenchless technologies through quality specifications. Visit nassco.org. Booth #1558
Infrastructure is the backbone of modern society. Managing it safely and effectively as it reaches the end of its service life will ensure the success of future generations. Pure Technologies has a long history of providing metallic pipeline inspections to utilities and plant operators around the world. With more than 14,000 miles of inspections under our belt, our proven pipeline solutions provide operators with the necessary asset management tools to rehabilitate or replace pipes as needed, thereby extending the useful life of pipelines. Beyond simply offering technical solutions, Pure Technologies provides peace of mind by showing operators the true condition of their infrastructure. Our best-in-class technology and services portfolio provides actionable data and solutions that plant managers need to cost effectively focus resources with precision, by prolonging asset life, improving safety and increasing reliability. Booth #1445
The MOBILE pro, Rausch’s new portable mainline system, features a lightweight cable reel with a built-in 12-in. monitor and dual-joystick control unit, which fits in a 17-in. square footprint that can fit in the bed of a truck. Professional quality videos and photos can be recorded directly to the system or connected to a laptop with industry-standard inspection software. The motorized cable reel Cubix 300, with up to 1,000 ft of cable and an electronic distance counter, connects to the powerful C135 camera/tractor unit. The C 135 offers the same performance and features found on our built-in systems, including an inclinometer, remote-controlled electric lift, full four-wheel drive steering, and a reverse camera. The KS 135 C camera features infinite rotation for continuous joint inspection, built-in lasers for crack and joint measurement, and 120:1 zoom. Application range from 6 in. to 96 in. pipe diameters. Booth #7347
RedZone Robotics, the industry pioneer and leader in multi-sensor Inspection technology, introduces next generation of MSI Profilers, introducing the Super HD MSI Profiler using high definition CCTV, sonar and laser for advanced pipeline condition assessment. Building on the millions of feet inspected with the MSI HD Profiler, the Super HD Profiler features higher megapixel imagery, increased field of view with modular capability for a variety of pipe sizes. Combined with RedZone’s web-based ICOM3 asset management software program, you can now manage and view all of the data to make smarter decisions on maintenance and rehabilitation operations. With the expanded pipe size range and configuration of the Super HD MSI Profiler, owner and operators have now multiple options to get a better understanding of the existing infrastructure conditions completing all while in service to maximize overall cost savings and make better decisions on what to repair, replace or rehabilitate. Booth #2357
Sauereisen continues to innovate with materials and application methods for the municipal and industrial wastewater industry. Our systems prevent corrosion and protect against water inflow and infiltration. Since entering the wastewater market more than 30 years ago, we’ve built our credibility and peace of mind one project at a time. Sauereisen’s SewerGard 210 family of products is formulated to enhance corrosion resistance and extends the longevity of underground infrastructure such as manholes and lift stations, wet-wells and tankage. SewerGard is available in several variations to accommodate desired thickness and methods of application. One grade of product may be spincasted to allow manhole restoration projects to proceed safely and easily from ground level. Other grades of SewerGard may be applied by trowel, plural component spray applications, airless spray or roller. From collection systems to treatment plants, we offer the technology and experience to generate confidence. Call 412-963-0303 or visit sauereisen.com. Booth #1418
Infi-Shield Gator Wrap prevents infiltration and erosion by providing a water-tight seal around any manhole, catch basin or pipe joint. Infi-Shield Gator Wrap resists harsh soil conditions and also provides a root barrier for any crack or joint. Infi-Shield Gator Wrap is made of a stretchable, self-shrinking, intra-curing halogenated based rubber. The backside of each seal is coated with a cross-linked re-enforced butyl adhesive. The seal is designed to stretch around the joint and then overlapped creating a cross-link and fused bond between the rubber and butyl adhesive. Infi-Shield Gator Wrap installs easily with no special tools and can be immediately backfilled. For more information, call 800-478-2054, email info@ssisealingsystems.com or visit ssisealingsystems.com. Booth #4407
The Sewer Equipment Co. of America Model 900 ECO is where simplicity comes standard, utilizing proven technologies and offering a variety of options, making it the perfect fit for every customer and every application. This unit is available in 9, 12 or 15 yd debris capacities, equipped with Duraprolene water tanks carrying 900 to 2000 gal of on-board water, and features our exclusive “Hydro Drive” powertrain system, eliminating the need for a transfer case. Both single piston and tri-plex pump options are available at 55 to 80 gpm at 2,000 to 3,000 psi and 4,400 cfm blower and 18hg, built on an ECO friendly platform, which provides greater fuel efficiency and offers noise reduction. Whether you choose your next combination truck based on productivity, reliability, safety, overall value, ease of operation, ease of maintenance or any combination of these traits, the choice is simple: the Model 900 ECO. Booth #7321
For nearly 20 years, Jon Schladweiler, the Historian of the AZ Water Association, has researched and collected materials related to the history of sewage conveyance systems. Now available for viewing as part of NASSCO’s Sewer History Exhibit, the impressive collection of sewer history materials covers the era from approximately 3500 BC through the 1930s. The exhibit supports NASSCO’s mission to set standards for the assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation of underground infrastructure and to assure the continued acceptance and growth of trenchless technologies by remembering how far we have come as an industry. Booth #1553
SewperCoat is a technological breakthrough in cementitious material designed specifically for the municipal wastewater industry to provide a structural, abrasion and corrosion-resistant, protective lining against biogenic corrosion relative to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) found in wastewater environments. The unique mineralogy of SewperCoat is the key to its ultimate performance. Both the cement and aggregate in SewperCoat are 100 percent pure fused calcium aluminate. This provides a level of protection that other CA based mortars with a natural aggregate system simply cannot achieve. SewperCoat is used throughout the world for rehabilitating structures such as manholes, wet wells, lift stations, pipe networks, and treatment plant structures. In addition, SewperCoat is also used to line new structures where corrosion protection is necessary from day one. For structure applications, SewperCoat can be applied by either the low-pressure, wet-spray process or the high-velocity, dry-gunite method. For pipelines, SewperCoat can be applied insitu by dry-gunite or spin casting. Booth #1307
The SewperCover HD composite manhole cover is the evolution of today’s engineered construction materials. Our manhole ring and cover unit solves the largest issues owners and operators face with standard cast-iron manhole covers including extreme injury risk from high weight, infiltration leaks/sanitary sewer overflows, highly corrosive from H2S and road de-icing salts, scrap metal theft and odor containment. We engineered the SewperCover as solution to remove all the negative issues yesterday’s failing cast-iron manhole covers. We stop so much storm water from entering the sewer collection system that we can greatly reduce your sewer treatment costs to yield a fast return on investment. These are perfect new construction and for upgrading aging and leaking systems. They are patented double hinged for easy opening and deter theft which is costly and avoids a huge liability. Visit sewpercover.com to learn more. Booth #1138
A patented water recycling system, available as an option for the Vactor 2100 Plus sewer cleaner configured with the positive displacement blower, reuses water already in the sewer to clean sewer lines, eliminating the need for clean water. The user-friendly system delivers uninterrupted sewer line cleaning, enabling public utility and contractor professionals to clean more wastewater and sanitary lines in less time, without stopping to refill the water tank. A five-stage filtration system uniquely combines settling, centrifugal separation and absolute filtration to 100-micron particle sizes, preventing any abrasive solids from entering the jetting system. With no moving parts in the body or tanks, there is never a need to enter the body or tanks to maintain system components. For more information on Vactor’s patented water recycling system for the Vactor 2100 Plus sewer cleaner, or to schedule a product demonstration, visit vactor.com or contact your local Vactor dealer. Booth #4239
The Godwin Dri-Prime Backup System (DBS)from Xylem provides peace-of-mind as the ideal contingency plan for pump stations. The DBS provides independently powered backup pumping in one dependable package for a variety of emergency situations. It is used during routine pump service and maintenance or unexpected pump failure. It is also ideal for areas prone to hurricanes, heavy rain or snowmelt, and is automatically engaged during loss of primary power (whether from a scheduled outage or from a weather event) or switch gear failure. The DBS solution from Godwin uses a permanently installed diesel driven pump to provide backup pumping capacity, instead of just backup power. Booth #2529