Trenchless Technology Game Changers: TRUVAC
TRUVAC Trailer Delivers Safe Digging for Trenchless Applications
The Truvac® brand has a proud lineage of engineering excellence and innovation. Introduced to the market in 2019 as the dedicated brand name of premium vacuum excavator trucks introduced over 20 years ago by parent company Vactor Manufacturing, Truvac equipment is designed specifically to support “safe digging” in today’s growing trenchless industry and to provide a safer alternative to using mechanical excavators in traditional open-trench excavations. Building on this engineering trajectory, the Truvac brand is proud to continue as an innovator in harnessing the more precise, less destructive, and safer methods of trenchless construction through the evolution of customer-driven research and development.
All New Truvac TRXX Trailer Mounted Vacuum Excavator
The most recent product of Truvac’s ongoing research and development maximizes productivity, versatility, and capability in a variety of subsurface construction applications.
In constricted drilling locations, where employing a full size or compact hydroexcavator is not practical, the TRXX trailer vac unit is the newest option. The TRUVAC TRXX trailer-mounted vacuum excavator provides the versatility and agility to work in a limited space or sensitive environment. This minimally invasive method of vacuum excavation exposes underground utilities in borehole and trenching applications used for underground pipe installation and repair.
With the advancements in trenchless construction methods such horizontal directional drilling (HDD) the TRXX specifically supports accessing hard-to-reach locations where it is essential to perform vacuum excavation in order to minimize disruption to surface traffic, business, and other activities as well as mitigating the risk of striking existing subsurface facilities.
Supporting Precision Utility Locating as HDD Increases
HDD has a greater limited visibility of underground facilities than vertical drilling. This means verification of underground utilities and their precise location is essential. HDD contractors must invest time and effort to avoid a line strike or an incident that could result in injury to a worker, risk a community’s safety, cause a disruption of service, damage to equipment, lost job productivity, company profitability or their business’s reputation. Focusing on reducing risk for the HDD contractors, TRUVAC equipment offers DigRight® technology to limit water pressure when performing bore jobs and potholing for any utility lines that may intersect with an installation path using HDD. Supporting HDD’s potential for flexible, minimally disruptive, and low environmental impact applications with the DigRight technology has provided the trenchless industry with better solutions for this rapidly growing sector of the construction and civil engineering industry.
Increasing Vacuum Excavation Efficiencies to Locate Lines
Vacuum excavation provides a more precise, less destructive, and safer method for “daylighting.” “Daylighting” is the term to describe digging to expose and visually confirm the location of underground utilities. Vacuum excavation can be performed with either pressurized air or water in addition to an industrial strength vacuum to simultaneously excavate and evacuate the soil spoils back into the debris body of the vacuum excavator. This minimally invasive method of excavation exposes the underground utilities with speed and minimizes damages in borehole and trenching applications.
Shared Goals for Future Trenchless Applications
Vacuum excavation continues to be known as “safe digging” because it allows the trenchless contractor to proceed using air and/or water to excavate in the ground in the marked locations until the facilities are visually identified.
TRUVAC brand vacuum excavators are dedicated to support these safe practices and reduce risks inherent in the underground utility location at trenchless construction and rehabilitation job sites.
As the future of trenchless methods progress, meeting the needs of the trenchless contractor by supporting minimal disruption and providing the means to locate underground utilities and reduce risk of damage to those utilities, remains a focus for TRUVAC. Ongoing jobsite feedback and contractor demos continue to guide and prioritize the quality innovation of TRUVAC equipment to satisfy the safe-digging requirements of businesses and organizations that locate and verify underground utility lines and pipes.