Trenchless Technology Game Changers: Michael Byrne Mfg.
On your way to 100!
Happy 99th birthday W. Michael Byrne, thanks for taking a chance on yourself and fulfilling the American Dream. At the age of 43 with a wife and 8 children Mike changed his path from Westinghouse Appliance Executive to Auger Boring Manufacturer. Mike started selling at an early age to help support his family during the depression, this formed a drive and work ethic that would last throughout his career.
The initial machines were made in a garage in Mansfield, Ohio. Mike put the machines on trailers and pick-ups to demo the machines to contractors all around the East Coast and Midwest. Mike made a durable, heavy-duty machine that was soon recognized as the machine you wanted for the difficult bores.
Mike employed hundreds of people in manufacturing, fitness, and entertainment in the Mansfield, Ohio area. Mike was and is a self-made man but credits his success to the ability to hire quality employees. Mike’s company Michael Byrne Mfg. enters its 56th as a 3rd generation family business as Mike’s grand-daughter Leslie Byrne Weist joined the business in 2018 after a 5+ year career at John Deere.
Mike and all his brothers served their country during WWII, Mike as a bombardier on a B-24 Liberator. Mike Byrne will be inducted into the North Central Ohio Industrial Museum’s Hall of Fame this September.