Michael Byrne Mfg.

Trenchless Technology Game Changers: Michael Byrne Mfg.

W Michael Byrne

On your way to 100!

Happy 99th birthday W. Michael Byrne, thanks for taking a chance on yourself and fulfilling the American Dream. At the age of 43 with a wife and 8 children Mike changed his path from Westinghouse Appliance Executive to Auger Boring Manufacturer. Mike started selling at an early age to help support his family during the depression, this formed a drive and work ethic that would last throughout his career.

The initial machines were made in a garage in Mansfield, Ohio. Mike put the machines on trailers and pick-ups to demo the machines to contractors all around the East Coast and Midwest. Mike made a durable, heavy-duty machine that was soon recognized as the machine you wanted for the difficult bores.

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Mike employed hundreds of people in manufacturing, fitness, and entertainment in the Mansfield, Ohio area. Mike was and is a self-made man but credits his success to the ability to hire quality employees. Mike’s company Michael Byrne Mfg. enters its 56th as a 3rd generation family business as Mike’s grand-daughter Leslie Byrne Weist joined the business in 2018 after a 5+ year career at John Deere.

Mike and all his brothers served their country during WWII, Mike as a bombardier on a B-24 Liberator. Mike Byrne will be inducted into the North Central Ohio Industrial Museum’s Hall of Fame this September.

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