McElroy Tracstar Iseries

Trenchless Technology Game Changers: McElroy

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Fuse with confidence when using TracStar® iSeries

Building on the success of McElroy’s TracStar® legacy, the TracStar iSeries brings a new level of performance and reliability to the pipe fusion industry.

The iSeries maintains the TracStar’s rugged, self-contained tracked vehicle while adding industry-changing technology across three new models, improving user experience across all jobsites and applications.
Powered by the new FusionGuide™ Control System, the iSeries offers three levels of control, from operator-controlled to fully automatic machine-controlled operations. This reduces the risk of most common user errors and improves efficiency in the field. By utilizing the DataLogger®, operators and contractors can ensure each fusion is recorded and complies with their fusion standard.

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The TracStar 630i, 900i, and 1200i cover HDPE sizes from 8” IPS to 48” OD (225mm – 1200mm) and is capable of providing more than 3,000 psi for more powerful ground drive, pipe lifts, and other functions that require higher levels of pressure.

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