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Trenchless Technology 25 Year Promo

25 / 25 / 25 Trenchless Technology Twitter Discount Ad Program
Celebrating 25 Years of Trenchless Technology
@trenchlesstech / #trenchlesstechnology

The 25 / 25 / 25 Trenchless Technology Twitter Program is offering a 25% discount to the first 25 advertisers to tweet a picture with a Trenchless Technology representative at the WWETT Show on any size advertisement in the 25th Anniversary Issue (July) of Trenchless Technology. The discount only applies to the July issue of Trenchless Technology. Pre-booked advertisers are eligible for the savings. Photos must be taken with a Trenchless Technology representative on 2/23/2017 – 2/24/2017, at the 2017 WWETT Show. In addition to the 25% discount, advertisers with a ½ Page or larger will qualify for equal size advertorial. Track down Sharon, Mike, Hannah or Maura (there’s a photo of the crew below so you know who to look for)…Snap a Picture…Tweet it to your followers and be sure to include @trenchlesstech and #trenchlesstechnology (so we know you did it) on the tweet…Get 25% OFF a print Ad. Hurry, only the first 25 apply.

Standard Advertising Terms and Conditions apply.

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TT Team 2017

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