The nation’s circulatory system is at risk…

ASCE Pipelines Conference 2010
August 28 – September 1, 2010
Keystone, Colorado

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Aging pipelines are the single largest contributor to the failing grade ASCE has given to our nation’s infrastructure.  Facilities in long need of repair, leak more than seven billion gallons of clean drinking water and billions more of wastewater every day. The EPA has estimated that the nation must invest $390 billion over the next 20 years to update, replace, or build new systems to meet ever increasing demand.  Now is the time to attend the Pipelines 2010 Conference.  Together, let’s Climb New Peaks to Infrastructure Reliability: Renew, Rehabilitate and Reinvest in our deteriorating infrastructure.

Program Highlights

Attend educational tracks focused on: Infrastructure, Construction, New and Emerging Technology, Design, and Planning The Opening Plenary Breakfast will feature a Keynote Presentation from Sandra F. Mather chronicling the historic Dillon reservoir facility Workshops and forums on topics such as Buried Flexible Steel Pipe and Design and Structural Analysis, to name a few.

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An exclusive tour of the USBR Hydraulics and Materials Testing Laboratories Celebrate leaders in civil engineering during the Awards Luncheon and Bechtel Lecture. Rocky Mountain Evening Dinner at the Der Fondue Chessel,  12,000 feet above sea level. Post conference Golf Tournament.

Dates to Remember

Advanced Registration Deadline: August 17, 2010
Exhibit Hall Opens: August 29, 2010

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Registration Information

Sign up before August 17, 2010 to receive the advanced registration rate.

View the full technical program and register online by visiting:

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