The 2008 No-Dig Round-Up

For the past — years, the No-Dig Show has been the prime event for trenchless professionals to learnabout the industry, discover new products andtechnologies and to network with colleagues —and this year was no exception.

The 2008 No-Dig Show, hosted by NASTT, was held April27-May 2 at the Gaylord Texan Resort & ConventionCenter in Dallas. The annual show welcomed more than1,500 attendees and featured a record 123 exhibitors.No-Dig attendees had the opportunity to take in a mixof educational sessions, networking opportunities andentertainment to catch up on the latest advancements inthe trenchless industry.

Like every year, educational sessions played a large rolein the 2008 No-Dig program. Technical papers werepresented in 20 technical sessions in four tracks. Attendeeswho participated in the technical paper sessions were able to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) andProfessional Development Hours (PDH) for theirattendance. On top of the presentations of technicalpapers during the event, pre- and post-conference seminarstook place covering an array of topics.

The 2008 No-Dig Show began on Sunday, April 27, withthe pre-conference seminar, “New Construction Techniquesand Rehabilitation Methods.” The seminar was designed toserve as an introductory course for newcomers to theindustry or as a refresher course on trenchless methods.New construction techniques, such as microtunneling,horizontal directional drilling, pipe jacking, auger boringand pipe ramming were covered in the first session of theseminar. The second session detailed rehabilitation andprovided an overview of the methods available to public works and sewer agencies to rehabilitate water and sewersystems using trenchless technologies.

A Horizontal Directional Drilling Good PracticesGuidelines course took place April 30-May 1, as part of thepost-conference seminar lineup. The course attracted themost attendees and covered different topics including anoverview of HDD.

On May 1, NASSCO sponsored its Pipeline AssessmentCertification Program (PACP) and Manhole Assessmentand Certification Program (MACP). These programs,administered by NASSCO, were presented to providetraining and certification to operators, technicians andengineers on understanding and implementing the PACP/MACP coding program. A discussion of the history ofdefect coding and asset management took place duringthe one-day course. Other post-conference seminarsincluded the NASTT New Installation Methods GoodPractices Course and a Damage Investigation Workshop.

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