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RTCI of Mexico Completes First HDD Project

RTCI of Mexico just completed its first bore with an American Augers DD-110 and MCM-300 mud system. This was RTCI’s first HDD job ever, but the operator was experienced.

The bore was 1,100 ft of 30-in. poly pipe with a wall thickness of 2 in. The total product weighed 98,000 lbs. By

american augers rig

RTCI of Mexico used an American Augers DD-110 (like this one) for the project.

using an F5 with wireline sonde to locate, RTCI crossed 50 ft below the base of a thick swamp. RTCI did not use an auxiliary mud pump as originally planned, but instead used the existing pump on the DD-110 and moved slowly through the bore. The entire project took three weeks, working 24/7 from start to finish using an American Augers DD-110, MCM-300 mud system and a large amount of Radius HDD tooling.

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