
Roto-Rooter’s ‘Giving Thanks Food Drive’ a Success

Roto-Rooter service technicians collected 52,630 food items from generous customers during the month of November as part of the second annual Giving Thanks Food Drive.

To give some perspective, this equates to more than 49,000 lbs. (24.5 tons) of food, or enough to feed more than 24 adults three full meals a day for an entire year.

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“This year, we wanted to support the arduous work that community food banks are doing across the country due to COVID-19.”, says Austin Dressman, marketing and communications manager. “We are proud of our employees for stepping up to the challenge and collecting an additional 9,000 more items than last year’s drive. Beyond that, we are completely humbled by the generosity of our customers in helping their local communities.”

Each year, Roto-Rooter locations, teams, and individual employees compete to collect the greatest number of non-perishable goods. In 2020, their Providence, Rhode Island branch and El Paso, Texas contractor location collected the largest percentage of donations. Alfredo Salas (El Paso) and Del Trahan (St. Louis, Missouri) collected the most of any technicians across the company with a combined total of 945 items. Roto-Rooter’s corporate headquarters also joined the efforts, collecting an additional 2,013 donated items.

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Since launching the food drive two years ago, Roto-Rooter has collected more than 96,916 items for local food banks and pet shelters. That’s more than 97,000 lbs., or 48.5 tons, of food.

To learn more about Roto-Rooter’s Giving Thanks Food Drive, visit

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SOURCE – Roto-Rooter

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