Rehab Road Show Marches Back into Valley Forge, Pa.

The Rehab Road Show marked another successful stop as it rolled into ValleyForge, Pa., Oct. 3-4. Nearly 250 municipal and engineering professionalsattended the two-day conference at the Radisson Hotel Valley Forge, whichfeatured a series of high-quality trenchless seminars and 45 exhibitingcompanies.

Between seminar sessions, attendees got the chance to visit the exhibit halland meet with company representatives. The Rehab Road Show returned to ValleyForge for the first time since 2002 and completed the fourth stop on the 2006Rehab Road Show program, drawing a majority of participants from Pennsylvania,Ohio, Delaware and Maryland.

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“It was important for us to get back to Valley Forge and the Philadelphiaarea,” says Dick Krzys, associate publisher of Benjamin Media, which organizesthe Rehab Road Shows. “Not only is the venue excellent, but there are manyopportunities for trenchless rehabilitation in the region.”

The show kicked off on Oct. 3 with a presentation by Joanne Hughes,chairperson of NASTT, who lauded the benefits of membership with NASTT.

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Seminar sessions, led by industry experts, included such topics as pipelinecondition assessment, manhole rehab, quality assurance/quality control, assetmanagement, lateral rehab, as well as an expanded tutorial on water pipelinerehabilitation.

A popular element of each RRS is the outdoor equipment demonstrations.Companies that participated were Cretex Seals, manhole and chimney seal;Perma-Liner, lateral rehab amd point repair; Logiball and Oswald Enterprises,lateral sealing with chemical grout; Aries, CCTV inspection; Sealing Systems,Flex-Seal internal chimney seal;, TT Technologies, pipe bursting; and MunicipalSales, root control, Trenchless Rehabilitation Services, manhole lining.

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A Networking Reception and Raffle was held Tuesday, Oct. 3, giving attendeesand exhibitors the opportunity to interact with each other in a relaxed setting.

Rehab Road Shows completed its five-city trek in San Gabriel, Calif., inNovember. Next year, the Rehab Road Shows will be renamed Trenchless Road Shows,as an effort to include a broader audience of the trenchless industry. For moreinformation, visit

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