Opportunities in Utility Construction Conference Set for Oct. 9-10 in Wilmington, Ohio
May 16, 2012
While the decline in the housing market has had a profound effect on the utility construction market over the last several years, there have at the same time been emerging opportunities for enterprising contractors willing to look into new fields.
To help identify these emerging areas, as well as to provide tools and strategies to be successful in these areas, Benjamin Media Inc. is hosting the Opportunities in Utility Construction Conference in conjunction with its Trenchless Technology Road Show Oct. 9-10 in Wilmington, Ohio.
The regional conference is dedicated to helping contractors in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and West Virginia discuss market opportunities in utility construction. New business opportunities to be explored include Shale Drilling, Solar Power Construction, Wind Power Construction, Geothermal Construction, Microtrenching, Undergrounding of Utilities, Site Prep and more. In addition, tracks on equipment and management strategies will be presented to help contractors achieve optimal efficiency.
The Trenchless Technology Road Show, presented as a track with the Opportunities in Utility Construction Conference, features topics covering pipe relining, manhole repair, grouting, horizontal directional drilling, microtunneling, pipe inspection and more – all presented by recognized industry experts. The trenchless market for repairing and installing underground utilities, particularly sewer and water pipelines, has been a bright spot in an otherwise gloomy construction market. Trenchless techniques have continued to improve and gain market share vs. open-cut techniques. For over 15 years, the Trenchless Technology Road Shows has provided presentation on trenchless processes that keep vital infrastructure up and running with minimal disruption.
For additional information on the Opportunities in Utility Construction Conference, contact Benjamin Media at 330-467-7588 or visit www.oucconference.com.