Ontario Water Conference 2021

Ontario’s Water Conference Goes Virtual in 2021

Join the Ontario Water Works Association (OWWA) for the first ever virtual edition of Ontario’s Water Conference & Trade Show.

The OWWA is excited to gather Ontario’s water professionals to take part in the same high quality technical content, networking and technology showcases in a virtual space.

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New to virtual events? No need to worry. OWWA is using an industry-leading conference and trade show platform that is user-friendly and accessible. Attendees can navigate their way through the platform in 12 different languages.

The virtual conference is more accessible than ever for water industry professionals across the province, with double the technical content hours (up to 1.9 CEUs), and significantly reduced registration rates.

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The conference will run over a series of afternoons on April 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 30 and May 3 and 5. The conference will feature all of the technical streams attendees would find at the in-person OWWA event, including Asset Management, Automation, Construction, Distribution, Groundwater, Source Water Protection, Treatment and more. With more than 120 speakers, there is something new for everyone.

The OWWA’s exciting and engaging Fresh Ideas competition and University Research streams will also identify the best and brightest newcomers to the water industry.

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The virtual trade show will provide opportunity to network with service providers from all across Ontario and will feature Live Meet, virtual booths and prizes.

The Conference & Trade Show committee at OWWA is working hard to deliver a variety of events, including some of the following highlights:

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April 19:

  • Opening General Session featuring the presentation of the George Warren Fuller Award and Keynote Speaker Jill Heinerth from the Royal Canadian Geographical Society

  • OWWA Annual General Meeting

  • Welcome Reception

April 21:

  • OWWA Awards Luncheon

  • Young Professionals Water Cup Challenge

The opportunities presented for networking and learning at the conference are a must for anyone working in the municipal, consulting, academic and service provider fields of the water industry.

Register today by visiting owwa.ca and clicking on the conference button.

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