Ohio Chamber Presents Advanced Rehabilitation Technology with the Excellence in Entrepreneurship Award
April 24, 2015
Advanced Rehabilitation Technology of Bryan, Ohio, was named the 2015 Ohio Chamber of Commerce Excellence in Entrepreneurship award winner, April 14 at the Capitol Theatre in downtown Columbus. The award was presented during the Ohio Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting & Legislative Reception. The Bryan Area Chamber of Commerce nominated the company for this prestigious award.The award is designed to identify, honor and financially assist a company in Ohio that is demonstrating the historical innovative spirit of our state. The award recipient best demonstrates this entrepreneurial spirit through a recently introduced or pending introduction of a unique product or service that will have the ability to sustain long-term growth for the company, increase local employment and assist in the creation of economic prosperity within the state. The award comes with statewide recognition and a check for $25,000. The nominating chamber receives a check for $1,000.
Advanced Rehabilitation Technology introduced to Ohio a new technology that is used to reduce and prevent environmental pollution caused by sanitary overflows and industrial waste leaks in tanks and secondary containments. Their products allow for the repair of wastewater pipelines without having to dig up the line and totally replace it, thus saving time and money.
The implementation of this technology has led to the company’s operational growth, which as a result, led to the creation of new employment opportunities to Ohio residents to earn income and benefits well above the state’s current average income level. Advanced Rehabilitation Technology is proud to be an Ohio company providing a positive impact on quality Ohio jobs, protection of the environment through their services and providing services to other states from their corporate offices and operating facilities located in Northwest Ohio. Established in 2007, this private company has 26 employees. The company plans to use the financial award to upgrade the company’s website and provide additional safety training for its current and future employees.
“In honor of our state’s history of innovators and entrepreneurs, the Ohio Chamber of Commerce created this award to recognize those who continue to take considerable initiative and risk in creating new products and services,” explained President and CEO of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce Andrew E. Doehrel. “Advanced Rehabilitation Technology truly embodies the reason we developed this award seven years ago.”
Local chambers of commerce submitted nominations early this year. From those nominees, three were selected to compete for the award. An awards committee, made up of members from the Ohio Chamber’s Board of Directors, reviewed the detailed applications and selected the top three finalists.