Obama Taps Vermeer’s Andringa for Export Council

Mary AndringaMary Andringa, the president and CEO of Vermeer Corp., is one of 18 business executives and labor leaders recently named to President Obama’s export advisory council.

The White House says the group will provide advice to the president on ways to increase

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U.S. exports. The group will meet twice a year.

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Andringa, who joined Vermeer in 1982 as a market researcher,  is vice chair of the National Association of Manufacturers and an active Republican in Iowa. She’s state campaign chairwoman for Republican gubernatorial candidate Terry Branstad.

“Export growth leads to job growth and economic growth,” Obama said in announcing the council. “At a time when jobs are in short supply, building exports is an imperative.”

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For more on the story in the Des Moines Register, click onto this link: https://tinyurl.com/2b9oj9o

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