May 2005: Trenchless International News

Trenchless Tech Hangzhou 2005 a Success

TrenchlessTech Hangzhou 2005, the ninth annual conference and exhibition, co-sponsored bythe China Society for Trenchless Technology (CSTT), successfully took placeMarch 21-24 at the Zhijiang Hotel in Hangzhou, China.

Approximately 200delegates from China, the United States, Germany, Austria, India and othercountries attended the conference. Additionally, thousands of visitors came tothe exhibition. More than 40 exhibitors showed their products and technologiesat the show. Exhibiting companies displayed a variety of trenchless pipeconstruction and rehabilitation, with 13 HDD rigs from domestic manufacturersfeatured at the outdoor exhibition. The pullback power of the rigs ranged from150 kN to 1,000 kN.

At the conference, a report was presented by CSTT on“The Trenchless Market 2004 in China.” The report noted that in 2004, the totalpipe product output using trenchless technology reached $600 million, anincrease of 46.4 percent over 2003. The report also said that 470 HDD rigs and82 microtunneling machines were sold into the Chinese pipe installation marketin 2004, an increase of 50 and 53.6 percent, respectively. There are a total of1,425 HDD rigs and 235 microtunneling machines working in China, the reportsaid. With regards to pipe rehabilitation, the report said that a total of 220km of pipeline was renovated in 2004 using trenchless methods.

Theconference also received more than 50 papers concerning HDD, microtunneling,pipe rehabilitation and replacement, as well as pipe survey and pipe materiel.Most of delegates were interested in the technical seminars such as “Applicationof Microtunneling Machines in Long Distance and Curved Pipe Jacking Projects,”presented by Herrenknecht AG; “HDD in Rock Strata in China,” presented byNanjing Ten Square Int. Co. Ltd.; “A Comparative Evaluation of Traditional Vs.New Generation Lubricating Fluids for the Microtunneling Industry,” presented byWyo-Ben Inc.; and “The Application of Ribloc Spiral Method in SewerRehabilitation,” presented by Chevalier-Pis Holdings Ltd.

Co-sponsoringthe conference was National Geodrilling Information Center. Cooperatingorganizations were the Science & Tech Department at the Ministry ofConstruction, China Urban Gas Association, China Telecom Construction Corp. andthe China Oil & Gas Pipeline Bureau.

CSTT will sponsor the 10th CSTTAnnual Conference and Exhibition in March 2006 with the dates and location to bedetermined.

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ISTT Chairman Visits Ukraine TrenchlessSociety

ISTT chairman Ray Sterling recently visited with the UkraineSociety for Trenchless Technology (USTT) in Kiev and Odessa, taking in atrenchless seminar and meeting with various Ukrainian officials and trenchlessindustry experts. The trip took place March 28-April 3.

A highlight ofthe trip was a seminar, titled “The Use of Trenchless Technologies in Laying andRepair of Pipelines,” that was held on April 1, attended by 76 participants from14 Ukrainian cities. Sterling gave a presentation, titled “The State of the Artof Trenchless Technology and Current Research.”

Other topics at theseminar included the role of local government in developing trenchlesstechnologies in Ukrainian cities, the use of Ukrainian equipment in the repairof water and sewerage systems, economic effectiveness and expediency and the useof trenchless methods, research of soil and engineering with regards to piperenovation, trenchless standards and regulations, problematic issues in theapplication of trenchless technologies in the Ukraine and an update on thedevelopment of USTT.

Among the companies taking part in the seminar wereNOVA TEC, Ditch Witch Ukraine, GAS Technik and the Odessa Construction andFinishing Machinery Plant, as well as several technicalinstitutions.

Sterling also met at Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Congress),where he and USTT members met with People’s Deputy Vytaliy Mako, deputy chairmanof the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Industrial Policy and Business Undertakings.The discussion focused on the importance of promoting trenchless technologies inthe Ukraine.

In Odessa, Sterling delivered two lectures — at theUniversity of Civil Construction and at the Odessa Polytechnic University — andhe also participated in the launching of the Web site for the Odessa Associationof Trenchless Technologies, which coincided with the group’s first anniversary.He also visited the trade house NOVA TEC and the Odessa Construction andFinishing Machinery Plant, which stood at the birth of trenchless equipmentduring the time of the Soviet Union when the first Soviet moles weremanufactured in Odessa under the guidance of the Soviet Academy of Sciences backin early 1970s.

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HOBAS Pipe Helps Tsunami Victims 

HOBAS PipeUSA, Houston, has joined with its sister HOBAS companies around the world toprovide assistance for the victims of the tsunami last December.

Thousands of people in Southeast Asia lost their houses, family membersand friends in the disaster. “HOBAS executives believe that one of the worstconsequences is that the victims have also been robbed of their jobs, making italmost impossible for them to rebuild any semblance of their former lives,”explained Kimberly Paggioli, HOBAS Pipe USA marketing manager. “It seems as ifthere is little we can do to prevent catastrophes of such great dimension. Whatwe can do, however, is to help those who are in need with donations.”

Oneof the greatest single donations came from HOBAS Pipe Austria, a country that ishome to HOBAS engineering and HOBAS management.

“This fund raisingcampaign is being supported by many Austrian-based companies and has raised morethan $1.86 million so far,” Paggioli said. “The money goes toward the projectdubbed ‘Wir bauen Leben’ meaning ‘We build life.’ It is being coordinated byHilfswerk Austria, an international aid organization.”

“HOBAS contributedalmost $10,000 to this specific campaign because of its large scope. Thesurvivors will not only be provided with basics such as food, drinking water,clothing or housing, but projects to ensure effective long-term help bystimulating local economies,” she said. “The HOBAS contribution will go towardthe establishment of three villages in Balapitya, Sri Lanka, Koh Siray nearPhuket, Thailand, and Banda Aceh, Indonesia.”

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Water & Sewerage Prices Increase

Water billsnow being sent to customers in the United Kingdom “will protect the progressthat water companies have made on improving services and the environment since1999,” OFWAT has announced.

The water regulator has now approved tariffschemes for all 22 water companies, publishing details on its Web site at

The newcharges, which came into force April 1, will see bills in England and Walesgoing up on average of nearly 12 percent, including inflation. The tariffs arein line with OFWAT’S price limits announced in December 2004.

Theincreases are necessary to reflect the higher day-to-day running costs ofdelivering water and sewerage services, and the build-up of costs since the lastreview in 1999. The revenues raised will also enable water companies to begin todeliver a substantial capital investment program — around £16.8 billion ($32.245million USD) over the five years to 2010. The investment will provide:

•Safe, reliable water supplies and sewage disposal;
• Make furtherimprovements to drinking water quality and the environment sought by Ministers;
• And achieve significant reductions in sewer flooding.

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R&R Visual, RapidView Form Partnership withIBAK

R & R Visual and RapidView Inspection Systems have formed abusiness partnership with IBAK Helmut Hunger GmbH & Co. KG of Kiel Germany,a manufacturer of high-quality CCTV pipeline inspection systems since 1957. IBAKis recognized as the first manufacturer of sewer inspection camera equipment.

RapidView Inspection Systems/IBAK USA will import, distribute andservice the complete IBAK camera inspection product line throughout the UnitedStates from their Rochester, Indiana, facility. Regional dealerships are beingestablished with the focus on providing the customer with the best possibleservice and a competent, knowledgeable sales staff.

The Berolina-Liner System Now in U.K.,Norway

In January, BKP-Berolina Polyester GmbH & Co. KG.,headquartered in Berlin, finalized an agreement with the Norwegian companyBerotecnic As, with regards to the exclusive use of the Berolina-Liner System inNorway.

Berotecnic As was established by three well-known companies:Hadak As; Entrepenørteknikk As; and Hordaland Aquatecnic As.

BKP-BerolinaPolyester also recently signed a similar agreement with the British companyQueensway Expert Developments Ltd. Q.E.D., for the exclusive use of its linersystem in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. Q.E.D’s principal officeslocated in New Milton, Hampshire and sales offices in Tetbury, Gloucestershireand Chessington, Surrey. Q.E.D. is a well established company in the waterindustry in England and for more than two decades Q.E.D. has been a technicalprovider and supplier of solutions for surface coating, repair and renovationsystems and patch repair system for sewers.

Wavin Introduces New Water Management SalesStructure

Wavin Plastics, one of the United Kingdom’s leading watermanagement solutions providers, has introduced a new sales structure designed toreflect changes in its core markets.

Changes to market dynamics, drivenby new distribution channels and legislation such as PPG3, have altered customerbuying patterns in recent years, in favor of suppliers that can advise andimplement on a full range of water management issues.

The new structure,which replaces the previous market approach, based around the core areas ofconstruction utilities and building, is described as being “solutions” ratherthan “product” focused. Under the new structure, individual account managerswill be responsible for customer requirements across all of Wavin’s areas ofexpertise, including above ground issues, such as rainwater management, throughto below ground issues, such as the transport of potable water, contaminatedland or the development of brownfield sites.

The initiative, which isbeing supported by a comprehensive training program for sales staff, will ensurethat customers have a continuous point of contact for all watermanagement-related issues with in-depth product understanding and knowledge ofall aspects of the client’s business.

David Jones, U.K. sales director,said: “We are operating in a very dynamic and changing marketplace, which isincreasingly looking to us for solutions rather than individual products. Thearrival of legislation such as PPG3 has quickened the pace of this change. Wehave recognized a requirement to get closer to the issues that our customers arewrestling with every day and provide a seamless, comprehensive solution.”

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McElroy Mfg. Opens Chile Office 

Following arecord year in sales, McElroy Mfg. Inc. is launching a comprehensive campaign tovigorously pursue the Latin American market. The fusion equipment manufactureropened a marketing office in Santiago de Chile in January. McElroy hopes toincrease its presence in Latin America by providing a more complete customerservice approach to its Spanish speaking customers.

“We are excitedabout the continued growth of Latin American market. The closer we are to ourcustomers and distributors, the better we can respond to their needs,” saidRafael Quintero, McElroy international marketing manager. Quintero transferredto the Santiago office in January and serves as the manager for McElroyoperations in all of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The expansion isdesigned to cater to McElroy’s Spanish-speaking customers and the focus is onenhancing communication lines. The Spanish Web site and the new Spanish catalog(a Spanish version of McElroy’s fusion catalog) are key tools McElroy hasdeveloped to enhance communication efforts.

For additional information,to reach the Spanish Web site, or request the Spanish catalog, please visit theMcElroy Web site at

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