Maxliner Pipe Relining

MAXimize LED Light Cure capabilities: Introducing GhostLiner ™ – the first transparent, lateral CIPP liner

GhostLiner becomes transparent during wet-out, reduces UV cure times by up to 50% and delivers superior physical properties:

  • Faster and higher quality cure due to transparency once saturated.  
  • Negotiates pipe bends up to 45 degrees

GhostLiner is a uniquely manufactured synthetic fiber felt with a TPU coating specifically designed to maximize LED light-cure capabilities. Tube forming and seam bonding are achieved by an overlocking chain stitched seam with an extruded taped joint – creating a superior, high-performance impermeable liner designed for sweeping bends up to 45° and very minimal stretch.

Due to the one-of-a-kind construction, the benefits of the transparent nature of GhostLiner solve many of the problems experienced with UV LED Light cure installations that have been experienced up until now. Never again worry about complete resin saturation. Because GhostLiner is see through, dry spots in your liner are a thing of the past. And forget about the headache that comes with uncured resin wash behind your service reinstatements. GhostLiner allows the light to penetrate further than any other lateral liner, curing more migrated resin than was ever possible before.

The advantages of GhostLiner can be attained by anyone doing CIPP lateral UV-light cure. If your light and resin combination is tested and approved, you CAN go faster and cure more completely with GhostLiner. Its almost scary!

GhostLiner from MaxLiner®(another Applied Felts innovation) delivers Speed, Better Results and Confidence!


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