Kicking Off 2011
January 1, 2011
The holidays are over and it’s time to get back to work. As 2011 rolls in, many trenchless professionals are taking stock of their needs and wants. What new technology is out there and how can it help them with their businesses. What new innovation has pushed the trenchless industry even further forward?
Each year, Trenchless Technology invites manufacturers to start off the New Year by sharing with our readers their latest innovations — equipment that pushes the envelope and technology that further shapes and evolves the trenchless marketplace. With the economy slowly gaining strength, manufacturers in 2010 unveiled new technology and equipment for the underground infrastructure market. Customers were more than interested — they were buying. Manufacturers are hoping for an even stronger 2011, as our underground infrastructure continues to age and needs rehabbed and/or replaced.
There are many challenges facing water and sewer providers — with cost and efficiency being at the top of the list when designing a new construction or rehabilitation plan. They continue to face new federal regulations with regard to asset management and preventative maintenance techniques, as well mandates concerning the quality of their utility systems. Utility planners and decision-makers are having difficult challenges ahead as they map out how they will provide customers with the utility services needed to keep a community operating. Owners are now budgeting for annual rehab programs to prevent widespread deterioration and problems with their water and sewers systems.
The trenchless marketplace has always been a part of the new wave of alternative construction methods and we want to continue that tradition by promoting the most inventive, distinctive and creative equipment advances in the utility installation and rehabilitation markets. While we cannot possibly cover all of the innovations of the last year, we hope to give readers a sampling of the latest advances in trenchless marketplace. Product information was supplied by the manufacturers.
Sharon M. Bueno is managing editor of Trenchless Technology.