Hands-On Technology in Berlin
March 31, 2011
The Wasser Berlin International and International No-Dig conferences, the latter being an international congress that is being held for the first time in Berlin, are traditionally held in conjunction with the Baustellentag, an event being organized for the seventh time by Berliner Wasserbetriebe.
On May 4, Berliner Wasserbetriebe will be presenting numerous construction sites relating to sewer and pipe network projects from its current construction program. Vattenfall Europe AG and Netzgesellschaft Berlin-Brandenburg (NBB), the network provider of GASAG, will round off the program of tours by each contributing a construction site.
In addition to the congresses and exhibitions, participants in the Baustellentag event have the opportunity to gain comprehensive on-site practical knowledge of state-of-the-art technology in the economic renovation, renewal and new laying of water, wastewater, district heating and gas lines in public streets.
In a reference to the 29th International No-Dig Berlin 2011, Baustellentag 2011 will be completely characterized by so-called trenchless technologies. The event offers a total of 16 different tours, each involving five to six of a total of 20 Berliner
Wasserbetriebe, Vattenfall and NBB construction sites. In co-operation with the firms realising these construction projects, participants will, in addition to other aspects, have the opportunity to view the application of the following trenchless techniques:
- Trenchless replacement of drinking water pipes – different techniques
- Trenchless replacement of private lead pipe connections
- Trenchless renovation, repair and renewal of wastewater sewers using lining, improvement and pipe eating techniques
- New trenchless construction of DN 200 to DN 500 waste water sewers using microtunneling technique
- New double-shell trenchless construction of DN 200 to DN 500 waste water sewers
- Headings in microtunneling technique up to DN 1,800 (reinforced concrete) with over 10 m of groundwater covering, product pipe insertion, diaphragm wall trenches of over 20 m in depth
- Hose lining of sewers up to DN 1000
- Rehabilitation of egg-shaped cross-sections with GRP elements
- Rehabilitation of a gas line
- Trenchless construction of a DN 2,600 protection culvert of reinforced concrete, tunneling with an open hood shield and pneumatically supported localized working space. Insertion of two DN 700/900 district heating pipes.
As in previous years, participants can select from several tours organized to address different topics. Buses depart on Wednesday, May 4 at 9 a.m. from the entrance, Messe Süd. The Baustellentag can be booked at the website: www.wasser-berlin.de/deutsch/Kongresse-und-Events/AnmeldungRegistrierung/index.html.